AMD Multi GPU Fix......Finally?


Limp Gawd
Apr 6, 2012
I decided to call AMD one last time to find out what is going on with releasing drivers that support multi gpu setups like tri / quad fire + eyefinity, etc.... before I moved to Nvidia.

The AMD rep stated that tomorrow morning you can go to their website under Support & Drivers and type in the search bar located in the upper right "Catalyst 12.6 beta".

He stated that the 12.6 beta will fix the Tri /Quad, eyefinity, BSOD, etc...crossfire issues and will include all previous enhancements/improvements from previous releases. This driver applies to 7900 and 7800 series cards.

If they are full of crap and it doesnt work I will most likely give up on AMD and go Nvidia. /fingers crossed

Good Luck!
Yeah AMD is probably stretched very thin with their renewed developer assistance for their APUs & developing all the console GPUs.

Hopefully this should address all the issues with the 7990 coming out soon...
I hope it works out. But really, the 7970s came out 5 months ago and this is still a beta release. That's just not acceptable with the kind of money involved with these setups. With performance fairly even between the 7000s and 600s, unless there are specific issues you know of with regards to the 600s and multi-GPU and Surround I really don't know why most would go with a multi-GPU Eyefinity 7000 based setup these days.
I agree 5 months and betas is bad. Been using 7970s since release so I have been trying to be patient. I believe that these cards havent reached their potential given the crap drivers. If these fail I am done.
1038781370 said:
what difference does it make if they call them betas or alphas or deltas or zetas?

Possibly the degree of how much code is "finalized and complete". Alpha is more like the early stages of design and implementation with a lot of stub code and paths. Beta is more like final stages of completion before code has been tested across multiple test systems to be declared as final. Some places go through the trouble of having Release Candidates which are very nearly almost final versions, but with more polish (including fixing showstoppers and optimization). HTH.
what difference does it make if they call them betas or alphas or deltas or zetas?

Alpha = feature incomplete. Still very raw code.
Beta = feature complete but non fully tested/qualified by QA staff
Alpha = feature incomplete. Still very raw code.
Beta = feature complete but non fully tested/qualified by QA staff

I was simply commenting on the idea that a beta driver is worse than an official release.

Whatever they call the driver it doesn't really matter.

Folks who say "omg It's still a beta driver and that is unacceptable" who freaking cares what they call it.
For those who are waiting for this, better late than never, for those that couldn't wait for this such as myself AMD missed out this generation.
it would be about damned time they did something. I'm still running my system with crossfire disabled, it just won't work with it enabled.

They did miss out this generation and they did lose me as a customer. 5 fucking months.
5. And i still can't use my 7970's...
If I wasn't the one PC gamer on the planet who's okay without AA or maximum graphical detail especially under competitive circumstances I'd have brought it to the BBB several graphics card generations ago.

12.5 on the last day of May, like. Makes me wonder how tiny their driver team is. I know it's at least six people.
As long as they finally fix screen tearing with eyefinity I'll finally be satisfied with AMD drivers.
Sadly, I've given up on AMD's promises of better driver support. While their drivers aren't completely broken by any means, they still need a lot of work, especially with multi-GPU setups. I'll never understand how they've gotten worse over the years at multi-GPU drivers. I've used AMD crossfire setups since the 4870x2 and it ran pretty good most of the time, then I had crossfire 5850's that ran pretty well also, and then I had crossfire 6870's and that's when I started noticing decreasing driver support and then I hear so many people complaining about the 7xxx series crossfire support and I'm wondering, how did AMD go backwards? They should have years of experience by now.
Well a beta tester for AMD provided an update on Rage3D

There should be a public announcement today, but I have been allowed to share this info right now:

- AMD will end monthly Catalyst driver releases starting with Catalyst 12.5 (which won't exist). They have decided to focus harder on quality and improvements vs regular updates which may not bring many new things. This way there will be no need for two separate driver development paths every month: one to get the official WHQL driver and another that keeps doing the regular driver development.
- We should expect more "hot fixes" and "preview drivers" when new games are released or urgent fixes are required.
- There is a beta driver we are testing right now that fixes the Eyefinity tearing on the third monitor when mixing outputs. I have verified that it works with Souther Islands based cards, so I don't know if it will work with previous cards. Anyway, if no major issues are found, this driver should be publicly available next week.
Well a beta tester for AMD provided an update on Rage3D

It sounds like a step in the right direction, in all honesty this shouldn't be rocket science for AMD, they should really try to work towards Nvidia's driver development model. Most people are pretty happy with Nvidia's driver development and there's no reason for AMD to steer away from that. All I ask is that with the new driver development model in place, they need to actually follow through with quality releases and stay up to date on new game drivers, especially on the crossfire side. I've always thought that CAP profiles were stupid anyway, its confusing to figure out does the latest hotfix dirver, WHQL driver contain the fixes I need or do I need the CAP in addition to the official drivers? One driver package like Nvidia should encompass these things instead of a seperate driver package and CAP driver as well.
While I'm a bit "argh", this is a really good idea, and it's for our best.

And CAPs are separate.
So much for AMD keeping their word. Amazing that they can be so disfunctional.
So what's the word on the new drivers? See from another thread they've been released. Has multi GPU been fixed?
Yes i'd like to know if i'll be finally using my PC before even finds something new to play other then BF3.

Read the main thread on guru3d forums on the release and everyone commenting on the driver are not people using 7900 cards. :(

I really hate how it says, fixed Trifire configurations.. what about Quad fire? Hell, i've been able to use Trifire since release with the 11.12 drivers. I want quads!
12.6 beta are working great for me. Multi-GPUs (Tri-Fire and Quad-Fire) problems are now fixed. :)

Quad-Fire (4X7970) is working fine with Eyefinity 3X30'' LCDs at 7680X1600 in all the games I tried all day yesterday.

I was still on RC11, but now I will stay with 12.6. A bit slower on benchmarks, but I don't ''play benchmarks''. :)