AMD Dual Core Optimizer Utility

slavearm said:
Asus A8N32-Sli 1203 bios
2gb G.Skill ram
Nvidia 7800 GT
Areca 1220 Raid controller
Windows XP SP2
AMD Opteron 170

I get a blue screen during startup after logging in:


****STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000081, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x89D7EEC0)

I get exactly the same BSOD but in my case it is everytime on waking from S3 standby ( it would usually boot OK). I've mailed AMD support but I guess I'm just hoping for an updated driver.
I was also running the Nvidia 91.xx drivers and tried both disabling dualcore support (as per release notes) and downgrading to 84.xx drivers but no change.

3800+ X2
ThreeDee said:
I've been noticing some random lock-ups now (very random and very infrequent tho)

..i dont see the optimizer listed in add-remove proggies to uninstall ..hmmm

manual way to uninstall?


according to the readme that came with the program you just run setup.exe again to uninstall/install.
I am getting random lock ups too. But no BSOD, My Keyboard and Mouse just Stop working and the screen freezes.. First time it happened I changed by battery on my G7 thinking the battery had died.. :( Guess I will un-install it..
CbtEngr said:
according to the readme that came with the program you just run setup.exe again to uninstall/install.
ah ..thanks ..I guess it pays to actually read stuff once in awhile . :rolleyes:


TheBluePill said:
I am getting random lock ups too. But no BSOD, My Keyboard and Mouse just Stop working and the screen freezes.. First time it happened I changed by battery on my G7 thinking the battery had died.. :( Guess I will un-install it..

Ok, I'm getting the same thing. I think it's time to uninstall this sucker :(
slavearm said:
Asus A8N32-Sli 1203 bios
2gb G.Skill ram
Nvidia 7800 GT
Areca 1220 Raid controller
Windows XP SP2
AMD Opteron 170

I get a blue screen during startup after logging in:


****STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000081, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x89D7EEC0)

It goes away when I disable amd_dc_opt.exe from the startup process. I didn't notice the error before, but I havent rebooted since the initial install. I recently installed an HP7410 (wireless not USB), but I think it is a coincidence, since removing all the HP drivers during startup did not resolve the blue screen issue.

Microsofts debugger said the issue was with a graphics card driver, I am running forceware version 91.31

Here is a link to the debugger information

I can recreate the problem anytime I want by re-enabling the startup routine that executes the dual core driver.

Any suggestions, or am I the only one having this problem?



my post lists the fix to this problem that worked for me.

The kb article you linked to is a different stop error all together. irql not less than usually requires you to take the address it lists in the BSOD and match that to your device manager by resource listings.
thedude42 said:
my post lists the fix to this problem that worked for me.

The kb article you linked to is a different stop error all together. irql not less than usually requires you to take the address it lists in the BSOD and match that to your device manager by resource listings.

What's the fix? I can't find it in your previous post.
1) boot up after installing, get the BSOD
2) boot the f8 menu and choose "last known good configuration
3) boot again, shouldn't get the BSOD

Since "last known good" is NOT the same as system restore, whatever minor changes the installer made (I haven't checked the msi log for the installer so I'm not certain excatly what it is) will be reverted, but you'll notice that you still have the startup item in msconfig, and that the boot.ini option is still there.

Now, am I 100% certain that this fixes the problem? No I'm not. But, in amd's description of what this fixes, I would appear it does, in fact, fix some of my game related problems that ALWAYS pointed to non-specific video driver related issues. This optimization does not fix video driver issues, just the way the games use the driver and how that can conflict with the dual core system.

What makes me not 100% certain that this fixes the problem is that the AmdTools.sys file is not referenced under the software environment\system drivers list. I am not certain whether or not this is required, however, since I do not receive the message about a missing file on boot, and the amd_dc_opt startup item runs at system boot time.

In my situation: no BSOD, and game problems I had before have ceased.

Anyone who has this thing installed and was successful the first time, post back and let us know if you see the amdtools.sys in your system drivers list, that would definitely put this question to rest.
I installed the utility with zero issues so far. I updated to the latest amd cpu driver first then installed the utility. I did not uninstall the Microsoft dual-core hotfix before I updated the AMD driver and then installed the utility. I also have Cool and Quiet disabled. The utility seems to have helped me- Madden 2005 is smooth now for me.

people who are having no problems what so ever need to check their system info utility to see if the amdtooll.sys file shows up there so we can figure out the nature of the problems others are having.