AMD Catalyst 14.2 Beta V1.3 Now Available

Odd, switch over to 14.2 and AB will not keep a constant core oc. In heaven its going up and down on the core. With 13.12 I can keep a constant flat line 1200 core.

What do you mean "won't keep a constant core OC"? Is it throttling? The GPU will be working harder with Mantle. I've read where some O/C's aren't stable in Mantle and have to be reduced. Again, likely because the GPU is working harder and the OC isn't as stable as first thought.

As far as Mantle's Memory usage being higher. Remember the game's dev has the freedom (responsibility) to allocate how the card is going to use RAM. It's likely some tweaking needs to be done.
I'm getting a lot of screen tearing on the desktop with these drivers. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Dragging windows around and even watching YouTube shows me tear lines. Never had that issue before.
I'm getting a lot of screen tearing on the desktop with these drivers. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Dragging windows around and even watching YouTube shows me tear lines. Never had that issue before.

Lower your core and memory overclock and see if it continues.
I'm getting a lot of screen tearing on the desktop with these drivers. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Dragging windows around and even watching YouTube shows me tear lines. Never had that issue before.

I haven't experienced any screen tearing on the desktop. R9 290
Other than still getting occasional mouse pointer corruption-----14.2 has been a flawless windows driver on my 7870.
What do you mean "won't keep a constant core OC"? Is it throttling? The GPU will be working harder with Mantle. I've read where some O/C's aren't stable in Mantle and have to be reduced. Again, likely because the GPU is working harder and the OC isn't as stable as first thought.

As far as Mantle's Memory usage being higher. Remember the game's dev has the freedom (responsibility) to allocate how the card is going to use RAM. It's likely some tweaking needs to be done.

Meaning my oc will not stay at 1200hmz regardless of the load. It bounces from 1200 to 900 to 1100 along with the voltage. I'm on water so temps are 50c max under load. This is regardless of mantle. With the 13.12 drivers this doesn't happen.
After the latest BF4 patch, I seem to have gotten a fairly decent performance boost on Mantle. (Which is surprising, since I expected a BF4 patch to break everything, like it usually does.)

Anyone else?
What do you mean it is supporting one GPU. It works on 7970 as well.
Lots of pessimistic views here. I thought we were discussing performance gains/tweaks. The fun to tinker with this new stuff. Yes its only BF4 for now, but its new tech its exciting to say the least. Free performance gains. The potential of it in the long run. It looks like some of us here are relapsing and are interested in critique and judgment of how poorly it was released.

some people just expect shit to work out of the blue. but hell if they think AMD should of waited, maybe we should just get rid of beta testing for games and burn down every publisher/developers building when a game has a bug on release because you know they should of tested the game on every single possible gaming system configuration known to man before releasing it.

and yes i completely agree with you Imhotep. brings me back to the good ol days for gpu's where you would sit there for hours tweaking shit just to get an extra 1-2 fps in games.
The DX version of the game released buggy as hell, nobody was calling DX a fail and how long has DX been around? People need to give it a chance to develop. The fact that Microsoft/DX and Khronos/OpenGL are talking of moving in the same direction gives it validation enough, IMO.
The DX version of the game released buggy as hell, nobody was calling DX a fail and how long has DX been around? People need to give it a chance to develop. The fact that Microsoft/DX and Khronos/OpenGL are talking of moving in the same direction gives it validation enough, IMO.

Less validation of Mantle and more validation of the console API approach in general.
Strange. A lot of people are reporting crashing issues with BF4, too, but I don't see that either even with extended play over the weekend on three different systems. Unless older products I'm not using it makes me think it's a stability or possibly configuration issue.

Some things you can try:

- Try this first before doing the others. Use AMD/Intel stock clocks for CPU, GPU and memory. If you have a factory OC lower them to AMD stock clocks:

- Uninstall GPU driver, boot to safe mode, run DDU to remove old remnants of GPU drivers, boot to normal mode and reinstall

- Disable Origin client cloud sync

- Rename or delete Battlefield 4 Settings folder in Documents and recreate

- Uninstall older duplicates of Visual C++ redistributables so if you have three versions of MS VC++ 2010 x64 versions keep the newest and uninstall the older ones

- Disable any monitoring software in the background. I've found GPU-Z to cause issues running in the background.

- Reboot and see if it fixes BF4 stability issues.
I'm having issues with these drivers that I do not have on the 13.12s. 290x

V sync stutters like hell. Didnt have this before, the "frame time" is really bad. I think games like Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4 force V sync so they appear pretty laggy. and games like Far Cry 3 and sleeping dogs which i ran with v sync before, i have to turn off now because they look too choppy. ANy thoughts? thanks