AMD Catalyst 13.2 Beta 4

AMD Catalyst 13.2 Beta 3 for Windows

  • Improves performance up to 15% in high MSAA cases for the Crysis 3 beta release
    • Future updates will be made to AMD Catalyst 13.2 Beta to further improve performance in Crysis 3 for both single GPU and CrossFire configurations
  • Significantly improves latency performance in Skyrim, Boderlands 2, and Guild Wars 2
  • Improves single GPU performance up to 50% for DmC Devil May Cry
  • Improves CrossFire performance up to 10% for Crysis 2
  • Resolves Texture flickering seen in DirectX9.0c applications.
Applicable Products:
This article applies to the following configuration(s):

  • AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series
  • AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 7000M Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 6000M Series
  • AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series
Looks rather nice for those running Crysis 3. Might also clear-up some of the micro-stutter issues some have been experiencing in Skyrim.
AMD is finally getting their drivers right, the 12.11 beta 11's solved almost all my issues with my 7950's except for the lag in crossfire in some games and screen corruption.

The 13.2 beta 3's have thus far resolved all my issues. Games feel smoother in Crossfire and annoying little things like the bits of corruption (small blocks normally) that would appear in Windows while bitcoin mining and trying to use it have been resolved
AMD is finally getting their drivers right, the 12.11 beta 11's solved almost all my issues with my 7950's except for the lag in crossfire in some games and screen corruption.

The 13.2 beta 3's have thus far resolved all my issues. Games feel smoother in Crossfire and annoying little things like the bits of corruption (small blocks normally) that would appear in Windows while bitcoin mining and trying to use it have been resolved

That just means anti-AMD trolls need to be more creative with their FUD :p
AMD is finally getting their drivers right, the 12.11 beta 11's solved almost all my issues with my 7950's except for the lag in crossfire in some games and screen corruption.

The 13.2 beta 3's have thus far resolved all my issues. Games feel smoother in Crossfire and annoying little things like the bits of corruption (small blocks normally) that would appear in Windows while bitcoin mining and trying to use it have been resolved

Not just that but because of all these issues AMD's Thracks said the 7K series is the main focus. I feel like I just received a new GPU. :D
Glad I just jumped in because the issues a lot of you guys seem to have would annoy the hell out of me.
OK after installing drivers all I can say is WOW cant believe the difference in crisis MP,with the 13.2beta3 drivers with all settings maxed out and res set at 1920x1080 res the airport map would crawl,now it plays perfect cant believe how drivers make a difference.As said before feels like a new card.
Maybe now is the time to look into upgrading (?) from my 6990/6970 trifire to 7k series gpus...
Yeah, been holding off upgrading a 6870 for awhile. This may be the time to go to 7xxx.
Well right off I can say whatever stability or fixes they might have put into these BETA drivers they "built" the idle core and memory speed fix out. Not a huge issue for me as I'm water cooled. But seeing the core at 500 and memory at full speed while browsing the interwebby kinda sucks when it was fixed with the previous release driver. :rolleyes:
I wonder if this fixes the horrendous StarCraft II performance I saw with 13.1...
Well right off I can say whatever stability or fixes they might have put into these BETA drivers they "built" the idle core and memory speed fix out. Not a huge issue for me as I'm water cooled. But seeing the core at 500 and memory at full speed while browsing the interwebby kinda sucks when it was fixed with the previous release driver. :rolleyes:
If you have multiple monitors, that's not a bug, that's intended behavior.
Well im running a 2600K @ 4800 Mhz and 3 7970 in tri-fire 1100/1700 and with everything set to the highes settings in Crysis 3 i get about 70 FPS to 100 FPS + with 1X SMAA, if i enable 2X SMAA i get around 50 FPS to 80FPS, if i go to 4X it takes a DUMP to 30FPS to 50FPS. Im only getting about 64% usuage on all 3 cards.
I am having a problem with idle clocks...

At startup, it runs at 925/1375 on desktop until I open a 3D app and close it, then it idles at 300/150. Quite annoying.
This happens while browsing the internet. Firefox settings already have hardware acceleration turned off and same with flash settings.

This is after I opened a 3d app to idle my 2nd card, but the first GPU is going erratic. The spikes you see are 501mhz on the core, where that large one is 925mhz.
Could it have anything to do with Windows Updates? This is a clean install so it's only SP1 with no new updates. I did manually update .NET Framework to 4.0 before installing 12.3 though.
I'll admit some of the studdering issues I was having onlinein game turned out to be some router changes I had made and not the BETA driver after all. But there were still issues. I don't know if it was the bundled CAP or the driver itself but BF3 was artifacting and texture flashing like crazy. And.. every now and then when I tried to join a server I'd get a directx error crash to desktop that only a reboot would fix.
These drivers significantly reduced Skyrim stuttering issues for me. Supposedly improved latency times and they delivered. I just migrated over from a 560ti 2GB to a 7950 and to my dismay experienced an equal amount of stuttering until this driver release. 12.11 made the 7900 series a contender and improved my view of what I've typically regarded as a shoddy driver team, now the 13.2 betas have me hoping that things are changing over at AMD. Hopefully this trend continues.
I'll have to grab these when I get home, still running the first release of 13.2 betas but have had no issues.