amd athlon xp


Aug 26, 2007
I have a amd athlon xp run at 2.20 ghz went i put it in a MSI. km266-8235 mb it said the cpu is run at 1.10 ghz how do i fix this:eek:
well you didn't mention the fsb speed of the chip, but if it's 2.2ghz it's most likely a 200mhz fsb barton core (which would have an 11 multiplier). That motherboard will default down to the lowest supported fsb (which is 100mhz) if it isn't set right, so then 11x100mhz would give you that 1.1ghz core frequency. I'd go into the bios and check to see what your fsb is set too.
I'm not sure the bios that you are running, so I couldn't tell you exactly off the top of my head. I just checked on the MSI site too and your board is not listed, are you sure that is the name of it? Does this board still have a manual?
You could also try loading "high performance" settings, if there's such an option.
KT266 does not run at 200MHz fsb, at least not stably. It does not have locked PCI/AGP. You need either another board, or another chip.
I have an KT333 which also does not officially run 200/400 yet 200/400 is where I've been for the better part of the last 4-5 years with this sucker. Admittedly, 333 is less of a stretch from 266. I concur with the advice to find a 166/333 based chip. Those should actually fly in the KT266.

OR you could do the pin mod to unlock the multiplier. http://

I did a pin mod on my old AXP based computer (which wasn't that long ago, I only gave it up about 3 months ago) and it was easy to do, and completely stable for me...

just saying :)
damn this is too old for my blood. lol didnt even own an amd until A64's..=P
We're literally a dying breed. Believe it or not I'm actually going to pump one final upgrade into the old AXP rig before my 8 year old son inherits the old rig. Adding a HD3850agp. That way the boy can probably get even a few more years out of it.