AMD AHCI trouble? What trouble?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2003
I see references all over the net in reviews about people having trouble with AHCI on AMD chipsets, but they don't really say what trouble they mean. I know that Vista without SP1 has trouble installing in AHCI mode, but since all you have to do is slipstream SP1 into Vista or use an SP1 disk, what other trouble is there? That can't be all they mean, because if so I'm very disappointed in their troubleshooting abilities. Here's a recent example (dated two days ago):,1999-4.html

The AMD-based setups are both driven by Gigabyte’s 740G-based MA74GM-S2. The board supports AHCI, but we are running it in legacy IDE mode as a result of the horrible process involved in getting it to work.

I figured that out pretty quick early on and just made an SP1 disk which I've used like 5 times now on different hardware in AHCI mode without any trouble. Is there something else they mean?
I haven't had any problems using AHCI either. Even converting from using AHCI->IDE to using native AHCI isn't all that painful. I've done that with a bunch of different boards in different configs and it's no more difficult than doing anything else, really..
I have a question that perhaps could be answered by googling, but thought it was worthy of this thread. Does switching from IDE mode to AHCI mode affect the existing content of the drive? The IDE mode/AHCI mode is just how the OS interacts with the drive, it doesn't require reformatting the drive right? (Or is a reformat recommended for optimal performance?)

Are there any data corruption issues with AMD's AHCI like the old Nvidia driver problems back in the day?

Final question, is the AHCI driver part of the 8.8 Catalyst drivers? All the chipset drivers are included in that package right?
This may answer both of your questions... It covers common

Hope that helps... :)

Thanks for the reply.

I understand that it's better to install the OS with the drivers in the first place, I was curious if non-os drives are ok being used without being reformatted. From everything I've seen that seems to not be a problem. I googled and found a fairly decent article on AHCI vs. IDE.

I think I will go ahead and try that as I'm going to be installing Windows XP again soon, but I will research any know corruption issues further and make sure I have good backups.