AMD 64 3800 or X2 3800


Mar 30, 2006
I want to get a computer for my kid, mostly for UT 2004 and 2007 when it comes out. One is cheaper with more mhz, the other one has two cpu's. not sure which one I should get.
not just because of one game but yea most games should become multi thread..i mean theres gotta be games made that will make the 7900gtx sweat and consequntely a more able processor
New games that are coming out are starting to be multithreaded (Quake 4, Serious Sam 2, UT2K7), and nvidia drivers are multithreaded as well - ati will probably follow soon. Multitasking and general use will be much smoother with two cores as well. I would get the X2 and a heatsink, and oc it to 2.4-2.6 or so.
i cannot stress enough to go with the X2 3800+ Dual Core Processor

the 3800 single core isn't that much cheaper, you would get so much more benefits going with the Dual Core. multitasking and gaming feels very smooth! and it doesn't run hott either
theres no comparison between them the x2 is great you will rarely see it lag down unless of course your leaveing 100's of windows open and gameing :)