AMD 3700, 2 7600GT's, enermax liberty 500

nope, I can't, just got fired and the epsilon isn't available here, and I can't get the 3700 or opteron 144 either, probably gonna stick with an 3200 since in some weird way it's cheaper then the 3000+
Sorry to hear that Shay. Ah well, lifes a bitch, then you get a better job.
I hear some of those 3200s are good, I was asking about them on another thread here, I'll edit in the link later in case you're interested. Got to go out atm.
(also have to get another job myself!)
yeah, please post the link, a couple of my friends run the 3200's and they get nice framerates in css/bf2, that's just my goal, since this pc can't even run CoD 1 or prince of persia the sands of time properly>_<, could be the cd-drive though

and good luck with the job!
Shay Ken said:
and good luck with the job!
thanks Shay, good luck to you too!

Check out the stickies (notice that they're written by (cf)Eclipse, one of the guys who answered my question) on the AMD Processors forum for more info on the steppings.

I believe with the retail boxed processors you can read the numbers on the chip these days so you should be able to determine what stepping it is.

Also I read somewhere that the E4 chips have an improved memory controller (no idea how significant this is) and you probably want to confirm when the SSE3 instruction set became supported (for better gaming/graphics, supposedly, would depend on the game).
I'm no expert on these things so you'll want to confirm it all.

3200 "BP" Venice

btw, I made a mistake in post #37, left out a link that might make the post confusing, edited now
hmm, I was thinking to buy the tray version, saves in the cost, if I would buy it boxed I'd buy it on an internet shop anyway so no way to see the steppings
Check out Tagan PSUs, well known for high performance and high quality,

The 2force line has dual 12v rails with 20amps, and can be switched to single rail even. Seems they sometimes have PFC and nonPFC versions on the shelves. You want the PFC for compatability with UPS (battery backups) and essentially a higher quality supply.

Probably the last you'll hear from me Shay, don't waste too much time on the computer thing! ;)
yeah I had a look at those, which one would be better? the Tagan TG580 U22 , or the U15? what would be the difference between those?
Well it's back to the original topic, why I checked this thread in the first place, and I'm not having a whole lot o luck finding an answer either.

I'd go woth the U22 because the dual 80mm fans don't interfere with the space allowing very big heatsinks inside, and they are very quiet from all accounts. The easy connector thing might be handy, but the fewer connectors there are, the fewer points of resistance there are.

But, pretty much all of what I've been reading is saying the 12v lines on the new Tagans are weak, even dropping to under 11.7v. Also I've read comments about them using capacitors that aren't the best. Saw some pics of a brand inside known to have had problems as well. Seems maybe they're slipping.

Enermax, lot of reports of them going "pop" when powered up.

Seasonic has their share of bad reports too.

About the only brand (without going to the expensive stuff (e.g. Zippy/Emacs, PC Power and Cooling, to name a couple) I haven't read anything bad about are the FSP's. This company has been aound forever (Sparkle-Fortron) and always have been very highly regarded. Heard this before? lol Not once have I read a bad thing. I have an oem one from years ago that still works fine (old pentium rig), though I've never tested it.

The only thing I can suggest is to check the warranties and go with one of the above because no matter the reports, they are all much better than your average brand. Of course there is also Antec. The whole dual/quad rail thing is to meet a new Intel spec allowing reduced amperages for user safety, while still supplying sufficient power for demanding stuff like high powered chips and graphics. While it is said to allow better regulation, it may result in insufficient power for SLI rigs. This should be more a matter of the inherent power of the psu though. Depends on how the manufacturer sets up the unit.

Be aware too (in case you read something about fiddling inside a psu) that there is potentially lethal voltage inside even if it is unplugged!

where's jonnyGURU, isn't he the resident psu expert? maybe he can weigh in on this
Ren H said:
where's jonnyGURU, isn't he the resident psu expert? maybe he can weigh in on this

I'm here. I just stay out of these types of threads. Whenever someone asks what kind of PSU they should get, the thread degrades into a quagmire of fan boyism with people just recommending the power supply they just bought last week.

Ren H said:
About the only brand (without going to the expensive stuff (e.g. Zippy/Emacs, PC Power and Cooling, to name a couple) I haven't read anything bad about are the FSP's. This company has been aound forever (Sparkle-Fortron) and always have been very highly regarded. Heard this before? lol Not once have I read a bad thing. I have an oem one from years ago that still works fine (old pentium rig), though I've never tested it.

If you were to rule out Enermax and Tagan/Topower/ePower, then you're still left with a number of Seventeam (Cooler Master, XG and Sytrin/Masscool), Andyson (Hiper, Aerocool), Wintech (Ultra), Channelwell (Thermaltake, nSpire) and Enhance (Enhance, Silverstone) models out there that are between the price range of $70 to $150 and do a fantastic job.

And you can't give FSP a "free pass" for being the best bang for the buck. Their SAGA series isn't all that hot.
Ever present ready to strike like a bolt of lightning. ;-)
ty jonny, that'll give me some more options to check out. I just posted a new thread detailing my concerns, if you hurry you can jump in before the fans start spinning out of control.
hmm, I'm still confused, I'll just stick with the Seasonic, cause tbh, I was hoping not having to restart/reset this pc for once ;)
Seasonic it is?

btw, I just reached my goal amount of money, now to see if I can convince my dad :(
If you want a Seasonic, get it. No one is going to stop you. ;)
Shay Ken said:
Seasonic it is?

btw, I just reached my goal amount of money, now to see if I can convince my dad :(
Bet ya a new job would go a long way toward convincing him.
Generally speaking, he who doesn't need help with money, gets it.
Anywho, back to the job search for me too.

I hear Seasonic has been working on the reboot thing. May as well go for that one.
t.c. and best o' luck
thanks Ren, good luck to you too.

I think this thread is now rendered useless since you guys helped me a lot in every way and I'm very glad you did.

thanks for the help everyone that helped!