Amazon Rekognition Can Detect Celebrities


Jun 22, 2008
Any of you famous folks out there? Grab your hats, shades and hoodies. According to TechCrunch, Amazon's facial recognition system now distinguishes the faces of the popular and infamous. From recognizing Jeff Bezos himself to Justin Bieber, the service will match-up individuals through its API. You can try the demo out yourself with an AWS account. I'm still trying to figure out who Chad Smith is before it becomes sentient.

This new feature complements existing Rekognition capabilities like being able to detect people's emotions and demographics, facial recognition based on your own image sets and object and scene recognition.
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Why would I want this? Unlock screens, sexbots, dystopian future? Why?

Yeah, why do I care about this? Do I want celebrities to be even more worshiped and thereby make our culture even shittier than it already is? No. Do I want celebrities to have even less of an opportunity to be unrecognized regular people? No. Name five things that this technology does that improves the human condition. You can't.
It doesn't really improve things for people in general, but there are specific markets that benefit from facial recognition technology once it boils down to the consumer level:

  1. Law enforcement - Both identifying suspects/victims, checking people for warrants, spotting fake IDs, and tracking locations where people have checked in
  2. Government intelligence - Same but for spies/terrorists
  3. Advertising - Either for you or friends you take pics with, if they know what you're into they might advertise that to your friends
  4. Reputation checking - Say you need a babysitter and interview someone and take their photo. you could use facial recognition tech to ID others they hang out with and what else they're up to
  5. Social media vendors - Easier to check for dupe accounts
  6. Bar hookups - Imagine going to a bar, seeing some hot chick, sneaking a pic with your cell phone, then instantly getting to know everything about her from her Facebook/LinkedIn/dating site/whatever profiles. You could even make an app that integrates with something like google glass and potentially scan people in real time to give you pop ups with those ever handy conversation starters!
Once you get past the high level and realize this type of stuff is still in the "learning" phase, all kinds of potential applications open up.