Amazon PC component sale. Deal of the day.

The Netgear Nighthawk X10 deal looks pretty good. A friend of mine alerted me to that one. I have been thinking about pulling the plug on it.
The Netgear Nighthawk X10 deal looks pretty good. A friend of mine alerted me to that one. I have been thinking about pulling the plug on it.

It's the same price as on BF. They must not have moved many units?
I've got a Evga 970 FTW. Any reason to pull the trigger on that 980 Kingpin at $260?
Thanks for the link and making me feel like an idiot for asking a honest question.

Edit: That deal is dead anyway. The 980 Kingpin on EVGA B-stock is actually more expensive than the Amazon deal.

Keep checking back as they repopulate stock often. And per your question, I'd wouldn't touch a 980 for the prices they are going for, its just crazy when a 980ti is 300, or less going by this deal.

Other deals unfortunately just sold, but you get the idea of what can be had.
I have a 1070 and recently borrowed a 290x to fix a bug in the program I am developing. Even just by running the Oculus Home app, heat and noise difference is unbelievable until you experience it. The 290x gets loud (mind you it was the 3 fan variant) and when running heat just radiated from under the desk boiling my balls.

I'd echo the above recommendation - buy a 1070. I personally have the FE and yes, the card temperatures get high, but that by itself means little. The card is still quiet and the airflow is pretty low, certainly not enough to move enough air to heat up the room.

Or wait for a 490 (or whatever they end up calling it) if you are an AMD fan. Upgrading to a 1060 or 480 is poor from a perf / $ perspective for you.
I don't think that expression means what you think it means. :p

Maybe pulling the trigger.

Nope, I meant pulling the plug on it, as in I have a great router, so continuously looking for a new one is just finding more ways to waste money. Perhaps more background would have helped.
Apparently you do not know your expressions then.
Pull the plug would imply that you're giving up the search for a router. For example, if you pull the plug on a project, you're killing the project. I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not, but that's what pull the plug means
Nope, I meant pulling the plug on it, as in I have a great router, so continuously looking for a new one is just finding more ways to waste money. Perhaps more background would have helped.

Pull the plug would imply that you're giving up the search for a router. For example, if you pull the plug on a project, you're killing the project. I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not, but that's what pull the plug means

So, if I have a great router, but my friend was insistent on promoting the Nighthawk x10, and I have been continuously looking into it because of its features and some things it has. Since I have been thinking of setting up another PLEX server and it would help possibly take the place of some current devices. However, it is not a necessity and its still expensive, so I have been thinking about pulling the plug on that project.

So yes, I do believe I have been using it correctly. But as I said, I can understand others confusion given that when I redid the post it didn't include the background. But thank you for trying to explain something to me that I already knew.

Someone needs to pull the plug on this thread. And then pull out their butt plug for a real good time! :p