5850/5870 Pre-Order tracking thread

lol did anybody on this list get theirs from amazon yet? seems krzy as newegg has had these in stock several times during this period

I think the difference is that Amazon allows sales of items it doesn't have in stock (so it is possible for a backorder queue to build up) and Newegg doesn't do that. So Amazon might have gotten multiple shipments in but if they're still working their way through their backorder queue then it will look to us like they've never gotten anything. While places like newegg will have stock pop up and disappear which is what we've been seeing.

My guess is that Amazon has received cards but they're still working through satisfying the preorders that showed up before ours. fiercedeity is the only one I see so far in this thread that has gotten a shipping confirmation but it was the Sapphire version. I think a lot of us went for the xfx version.

I feel like throwing in the towel and camping newegg for a $308 xfx 5850 but I know as soon as I do that I'll get an Amazon notification.
Also, I've been seeing 5850s all over the place....

Care to say where?

I've been looking at so many websites I can't even remember, but I was looking for 5870s so it can't be too hard to find them if they still have em.

But I bet that it's right on that tons of people pre-ordered from amazon, so everything they get instock goes to them right away. I just hope I'm not too far down the line. I was hoping to have my rig finished a little after christmas, and all I need is that damn 5870.
model: xfx 5850
date pre-ordered: Oct 26
shipping estimate: N/A
date shipped: N/A
price: $259.99
I too had to confirm I want to wait.
Yeah, as far as I know had the best price for the month of October. Their order backlog must have been huge as all the ebay super sellers where probably ordering in bulk from amazon. I bet all of us would have our cards by now if it weren't for re-sellers piling on the 5850's from amazon.

I'm patient. Dragon Age is playing very nicely on my dinosaur card. The game is totally CPU based. I just hope the card doesn't show up next to my cold door when I'm gone on vacation for the last week of December.

Who's ahead of me? I think I saw someone with the 18th. I ordered on the 20th.
lol, i'll probably going to pick up a 4890 so I can play borderlands.

"XFX RADEON HD 5850 1 GB DDR5 PCI Express Card HD585AZNFC"
Estimated arrival date: January 19 2010 - February 05 2010
Pre-Ordered XFX 5850 from Amazon on Nov 16th.
I just "approved" the delay.
Shipping estimate: January 11, 2010 - January 25, 2010

I am sad that AMD can't keep up with demand.

The second I saw a Jan 2010 shipping estimate I canceled my Oct 14th preorder. that's unacceptable. Hope someone here gets my spot (as far as I can tell I was at the front of the line).
at $260 pre order price it's worth the wait considering these cards will still be retailing at $300
at $260 pre order price it's worth the wait considering these cards will still be retailing at $300

True dat.

I just today got the e-mail from Amazon wanting me to confirm that I still want the card I had ordered on 10/29 for $259, even though they again revised the expected delivery date to January 19, 2010 - February 5, 2010. Oh yes, I still want it at that price.:D
I think I got jacked. Estimated January 11, 2010 - January 25, 2010 for an Oct 20 order.
me too

Shipping Estimate: January 11, 2010 - January 25, 2010

and I ordered on Oct 24th.
wow you all got jacked.

I ordered on november 11th and estimated January 6, 2010 - January 20, 2010.

Maybe shipping speed/amazon prime had something to do with it? As I have amazon prime and I did 1-day overnight shipping.
I got my approval email today for a 5870, approved it, ordered nov 16 and it says "Not Yet Shipped:
1 item - delivery estimate: January 19, 2010 - February 5, 2010" , and the shipment estimate is jan 11 - 25 or something like that.
I'm in a pickle, here I am with no card and a big empty space in my case. I'm wondering if I should cancel and get one of the 5850s for the same price or a 5870 for way more at newegg, those assh*les get them in all the time.
I too got the dreaded extension e-mail from Amazon on my 5850 order - Jan 7 - 21. Sigh... It's almost worth it for me to pay $300 or more, except my wife would kill me (she only wanted to hurt me at $250).
Ordered Oct 18th, estimated ship date: January 11, 2010 - January 25, 2010
I'm just gonna throw this out there..... Does anybody think there is any chance in hell that we could actually get them before those dates? and they just say that to cover their asses?
Or are we totally screwed...

Also, someone mentioned the amount of pre-orders from amazon, how do you find that out? I wonder if there are as many pre-orders for the 5870
I sent them an e-mail a couple days ago about my Oct 20th pre-order and sort of complained that they keep showing up at other online outlets and the lack of any word from Amazon.

I got back a reply with a Dec 20th estimate and they upgraded my shipping for free. God only knows......should have just ordered one elsewhere when they were still under $300.
been following this thread.. just wanted to say good luck guys.. pretty pathetic the crap amazon is pulling right now..
I'm just gonna throw this out there..... Does anybody think there is any chance in hell that we could actually get them before those dates? and they just say that to cover their asses?
Or are we totally screwed...

Also, someone mentioned the amount of pre-orders from amazon, how do you find that out? I wonder if there are as many pre-orders for the 5870

My little secret ;) It's like I might be working for them :eek: :cool:
I'm guessing amazon won't be getting any of these until prices go down since the manufactures will just send their cards to other retailers who are paying more for them. Heck, xfx even sold some on this forum (and others as well, I'm sure) for well above retail. Amazon is in a pickle having taken these preorders at regular retail price.
Not sure the fault all lies with Amazon as much as it lies with their supplier on these cards.
Well the mobo I was waiting on showed up in stock at Newegg and at the same time the $309 xfx 5850 was in stock so I just went ahead and ordered. I did a search for "windows 7" though bing and it showed up a 1% cashback for newegg so that better than nothing. A new gpu/mobo/cpu/ram should be to me by this weekend with a little luck. Once it all gets here I'll cancel my Amazon 5850 order so that will be one more that can go back into the pile for you guys.
Are the 5850's going back to being around $260? Really want one but Im in no rush unless they stay around 300 for now on so then it doesnt matter and may as well get one now.

Also its pretty crazy that Newegg has a 5870 and a few 5850's, although one is a XFX black edition for $360, for the past couple of days. Maybe Amazon is waiting for the price to drop before they start shipping.
5850s at newegg were 309 for the vanilla edition. That's 50 bones more, not 40.

The XXX edition is 339, and the black edition 359, but at 359 I would spend the extra 50 and get a 5870... but I'm still going to just keep waiting on my backorder. My 9800GTX+ will keep on keeping on.
So I just starting wondering.... How much better do you think the 5870 is than the 5850 XXX edition? I'm already committed to paying 400 for a 5870, so I wouldn't feel TOO bad paying 380 for a card almost just as good... if it is. I'm not gonna go crazy with resolutions but I would like to max out as many games as I can.
You think I should wait for my 5870? I can't decide..... Feb is pretty far away.... I have a feeling if I got it the 5870s would show up outta nowhere.
So I just starting wondering.... How much better do you think the 5870 is than the 5850 XXX edition? I'm already committed to paying 400 for a 5870, so I wouldn't feel TOO bad paying 380 for a card almost just as good... if it is. I'm not gonna go crazy with resolutions but I would like to max out as many games as I can.
You think I should wait for my 5870? I can't decide..... Feb is pretty far away.... I have a feeling if I got it the 5870s would show up outta nowhere.

Unless newegg's specs are wrong, the black edition is a ripoff. $20 extra gets you 10 extra MHz on the core and no increased memory speed (that's 1.3% more clock speed). Even the regular to XXX edition for $30 is only a minor upgrade in performance.

Not only that, but the only reason to buy those in the first place would be if you have some aversion to overclocking for whatever reason.
So I just starting wondering.... How much better do you think the 5870 is than the 5850 XXX edition? I'm already committed to paying 400 for a 5870, so I wouldn't feel TOO bad paying 380 for a card almost just as good... if it is. I'm not gonna go crazy with resolutions but I would like to max out as many games as I can.
You think I should wait for my 5870? I can't decide..... Feb is pretty far away.... I have a feeling if I got it the 5870s would show up outta nowhere.

Unless newegg's specs are wrong, the black edition is a ripoff. $20 extra gets you 10 extra MHz on the core and no increased memory speed (that's 1.3% more clock speed). Even the regular to XXX edition for $30 is only a minor upgrade in performance.

XXX Edition
Core Clock: 755MHz
Stream Processors: 1440 Stream Processing Units
Memory Clock: 1125MHz (4.5Gbps)
DirectX: DirectX 11
OpenGL: OpenGL 3.2

Core Clock: 725MHz
Stream Processors: 1440 Stream Processing Units
Memory Clock: 1000MHz (4.0Gbps)
DirectX: DirectX 11
OpenGL: OpenGL 3.1
Sooo, I just got an XFX 5870 from Tiger Direct for $409 shipped, only $10 more than I had pre-ordered for at Amazon, and I canceled my Amazon order, so there's another 5870 for one of you.

They are already at $419 at tiger but it's no tax (for most places) and it's free shipping. $429 for the XXX edition of the 5870. so if any of you pre-ordered it for 399 it's not too much more, it was well worth the excitement I felt when I clicked the "submit order" button. Waited until it said it was shipped before I canceled my amazon order, so I think I should be good.
Sooo, I just got an XFX 5870 from Tiger Direct for $409 shipped, only $10 more than I had pre-ordered for at Amazon, and I canceled my Amazon order, so there's another 5870 for one of you.

They are already at $419 at tiger but it's no tax (for most places) and it's free shipping. $429 for the XXX edition of the 5870. so if any of you pre-ordered it for 399 it's not too much more, it was well worth the excitement I felt when I clicked the "submit order" button. Waited until it said it was shipped before I canceled my amazon order, so I think I should be good.

I hope you got the BCB...
I'm guessing amazon won't be getting any of these until prices go down since the manufactures will just send their cards to other retailers who are paying more for them. Heck, xfx even sold some on this forum (and others as well, I'm sure) for well above retail. Amazon is in a pickle having taken these preorders at regular retail price.

Amazon will not charge your card until the item ships, so you can always cancel at any time.
Ha, I was actually expecting that link to explain it.
No I didn't use that, had never heard of it. But I'm fine with what I paid. But I am going to stop looking at the prices so if it all goes down a whole bunch I won't even know.
I think XFX is being sneaky!

A "Just Launched " seller on Amazon is selling 5850s for 300.00 + $6.49shipping.
The name of the seller is "XFX"

It looks like XFX is selling 5850s through Amazon, but not shipping them to fill the Amazon pre-orders.

Says they have only 1 available if you try to add more than 1 to the cart, so I doubt it's really XFX. Who knows?