AM2 mobo question


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
My neighbor has an A8M2N-LA (am2 only) mobo. It is bad and he is about to order another. This board accepts DDR2 ram. I just want to make sure he will be able to use his X2 4600 and DDR2 ram with a AM3/AM2/AM2+ mobo. Might as well get the AM3 board so he can get a better CPU later. Ive been intel lately and dont know all this stuff.
The same model replacement board will take the same type of ram.
as long as the boards am3/am2+/am2 then yes his current cpu/ram will work in it and leave him the ability to upgrade to an am3 cpu without having to buy anything else..
just dont get an AM3 board only....those are DDR3....if you get on labled as: AM3/AM2+/AM2 then your good to go