am I the only one that thinks prey multiplayer was very underwhelming?


Limp Gawd
Sep 12, 2005
i mean, at least in the maps provided with the weapons provided.

the gravity stuff seemed like a gimmick, and I got bored of the MP after like one or two maps. it just seemed like slower paced quake 3...

they need to make maps which utilize the gravity in very unique ways... something beyond the norm of a normal run and gun DM with just a gimmick implemented... allow the gravity implementation to have strategic and tactical applications...

the single player was fun and I can definatley see myself enjoying the full game, but the MP just left a bad taste in my mouth...
it's just a demo. there will be more MP maps.

I don't know how you could implement the gravity more uniquely than it already is. It's confusing enough! I've played it for 2 or 3 hours and I still don't know my way around either of the maps.
I am looking forward to a more complete weapons suite for MP.. seems that the base gun was mostly the best while I was testing MP.. but maybe I need to learn the right times to use the others.. more maps will make things better also I am sure.
most of the guns have their uses. I favour the acid gun, rocket launcher, and the leech gun when you can find the zapper or sunbeam energy (zomg) for it.

It's hard to find a good spot to snipe with the scoped gun. People move about too damn much.
The multiplayer is just another deathmatch game, as if we don't have enough of those already.