alternative to setting up VM's for the task I am trying to do...


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 30, 2001
Here is what I am trying to setup.

I have a dedicated server that is going to be used to host multiple installations of the exact same program. Remote servers will hit this program all from different locations and all on the same port. (https:443)

The plan was to setup virtual machine servers for each installation, and each VM would have its own dedicated IP.


Now, we already need about 5 installations (thus 5 VM's) however I'm worried about the load on the server with the overhead of running 5 VM's. Granted each installation isn't resource heavy in the first place, but you add all kinds of headaches for each extra VM you setup.

Is there a way to accomplish this task of having the installation of the program accepting multiple remote servers on dedicated IP's all on the same port, without having to setup VM's? add all kinds of headaches for each extra VM you setup.

Maybe I missed something in all of the VMware ESX/Virtual Infrastructure systems I have set up, but I have never ran into "all kinds of headaches". With the proper planning and testing, you should be just fine.
its not about planning. It's about the overhead associated with running a dozen VM's on ONE machine.

Anyone have a way around using VM's?
How powerful is this 1 'dedicated' server you have?

How much of a monster is this program?
- uses alot of memory or disk access?

Can you just install the app, 5x on the server, but each time in a different folder?
- C:\Program Files\AppInstall1, \AppInstall2, etc, etc
I guess I can, but then I need a way to point each IP to a particular installation.

68.x.x.240:443 to \install1
68.x.x.241:443 to \install2
I have a VMware ESX cluster running 25+ VMs on two host machines. You have to figure out what your hosts can handle and how much of a load the VMs will place on the hosts. Obviously a modern Xeon can handle a lot more than a modern Celeron. Don't assume that a hosts can't handle the load. Proper planning and testing will answer that for you.
You can always assign multiple IPs to one NIC.... Try toying around with the advanced IP settings in the TCP/IP setup on the NIC.
You can run as many virtual machines as you want, but it all comes down to your system. What type of processor you have and how much memory?
core 2 duo E6420 or whatever with a gig of ram.

And with that server I can't run enough virtual servers as I need.