alternative for AutoDesk AutoCad


Mar 25, 2008
Hello, new member here. I have a question regarding AutoCad software.

My company here in China is trying to expand into Hong Kong soon. We are a company which recieve autocad from other companies, and we are in charge of creating the molds they want. Here is the issue..

In China, licensing for AutoCad is less strict, and software licensing is affordable. Recently, we found out that we would have to buy new licensing from AutoDesk AutoCad in order to use their software in Hong Kong.. The price in Hong Kong is too high, and we are trying to seek for alternatives...

Since are job is mainly to view autocad drawings, I was wondering if there are any opensource/freeware or software at a low cost that will allow our engineers to view the autocad files?

Or are there alternatives rather than AutoDesk AutoCad which will give us similar functions as AutoDesk AutoCad, but at a fraction of the cost? (In Hong Kong, one license for one unit cost $9000 US.) We will need 50 units to have autocad.