All the video game music you can ever want :)

Not bad. It's ALL midi though as far as I looked. That's ok for the older ones where the original tracks were midi, but sounds crappy for the newer ones.

I was hoping it was actual tracks seeing as I have a few CD's of game music I made from the one's I own. (I know, I know........wouldn't want the RIAA to get all worked up) :rolleyes:
Yea I know about the MIDI, but I use a sound capture program to record them, but I have the originals I promise! :D
Not bad. It's ALL midi though as far as I looked. That's ok for the older ones where the original tracks were midi, but sounds crappy for the newer ones.

I was hoping it was actual tracks seeing as I have a few CD's of game music I made from the one's I own. (I know, I know........wouldn't want the RIAA to get all worked up) :rolleyes:

RIAA and VGM is a touchy subject. I know, I've been running a video game music site for 6 years now :). If its vgm and the RIAA doesn't have contracts with the company, they don't bother you. Some times you can request permission to host the music as well, I haven't had any issues..... yet ;)