All I can say is I love the 2405FPW!!

lxuan1 said:

btw i also set the 3D video mode to performance, not quality....

so why the f*ck am i complaining about my 6600GT :p i guess if i have to ill run it at a lower resolution, giving away some quality but ppl say it still looks awesome then..
UPS tried to deliver mine on Friday but I didnt get home until 6 and the local pickup place was closed and those fockers dont work on Saturday so I had to wait all weekend. I am going home early today to meet UPS so I can get my first one. I ordered two of these 2405s. It is weird. I was told that 1 would ship on the 12th and the other would ship on the 15th. I guess I got lucky. I will let you guys know how it goes.

I am planning on having one for my main gaming rig and the other I will use on my second system along with my zenith HD directv receiver. It should be a great combo. Cant wait too see how my 7800GTX handles 19x12 during gaming.
davez82 said:
im at 1920x 1200 on every game that supports it, im on 1 6800 gt and bf2 runs fine. Thinking of getting another 6800 , but you should be fine.

what temp is you card running at after some long game play?.....mine is running @91c+ think i'm gunna rma it....that temp doesnt seem right......It goes down to about 88+ after i open the side and put a house fan on it :(
nerual said:
I received mine 2 days ago. Very nice display.
I'm just disapointed by the quality I have with the hd movies you can find on the microsoft website.
I tried for example this one :
I have a big problem with the sky during the helicopter trip. It's just horrible.

Don't know if that's normal, or if I have to change the default settings.
My graphic card card is a quadro 3400, it shouldn't be the problem.

Thanks for your feedback
Looks great, sky and all with my 2001FP.
WEll..I've had some trouble with my 2405FPW with the Component connections from my Xbox.
I get rolling lines on the screen that really shouldn't be there. I posted in a seperate thread if anyone had seen this.
Regular input is fine, I have not been able to test SVideo yet.

Everything else on the monitor works perfectly so far, I just got it today.
Have not noticed any stuck pixels, reads my Compact Flash cards fine, functions fine as a USB Hub...

Photoshop, Dreamweaver, City of Heroes..all no complaints. I had to turn the brightness down to about 0 though ;-)

It really was quite bright...I can't understand why it's that bright, during the day tomorrow I wil fiddle with this to see if in the daytime it somehow improves the graphics to have it that ultrabright :)

Hoping for an easy solution to my Component connection problem though!