ALL ATT Sprint Vzw phones for .01 including Skyrocket!

So what is Exynos? Is it bad, or good?

And can you tell me which is better of these 2 phones, please?

This smartphone->

or this smartphone-->


Droid Razr hands down. Higher resolution, uses OMAP instead of snapdragon S3, better graphics chip due to OMAP, skyrocket is just highly clocked S3 that has been used in all the HTC phones including the Rezound.

If you compare those two Razr is a better choice. I picked one up earlier today. I come from SGS2 on sprint that uses the fastest CPU so far(not the one used in skyrocket), but I didn't see that much of performance difference while using the razr in the store. Build quality on Razr is just hands down the best I have seen on a smartphone so far.
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Droid Razr hands down. Higher resolution, uses OMAP instead of snapdragon S3, better graphics chip due to OMAP, skyrocket is just highly clocked S3 that has been used in all the HTC phones including the Rezound.

If you compare those two Razr is a better choice. I picked one up earlier today. I come from SGS2 on sprint that uses the fastest CPU so far(not the one used in skyrocket), but I didn't see that much of performance difference while using the razr in the store. Build quality on Razr is just hands down the best I have seen on a smartphone so far.

How's the battery life on Razr?
I root my phones and I flash what not. I don't know why you assume that everyone does so. What is the ICS build in? Alpha, common now. Not everyone is like you and don't expect everyone to hack their way around a phone to flash ICS.

95% of the users will want official updates and just live with what they have. So while I appreciate your bravery, I doubt anyone else cares about flashing their phone with unofficial ways to get ics.

Your comment about ICs availability was too general and as I said incorrect. Lots of phones have ICS now. Officially, it won't be available for a bit.
Hmmmm, I gotta find out if I can add new line with new phone, then keep both lines but switch physical phones.

Have 3GS on phone # I want to keep, going to get Skyrocket on add to individual plan, then switch phone numbers...I don't see why they wouldn't since I'll be keeping both lines, but time to call customer service.
My Droid 2 Global is rocking ICS already. So are a lot of other phones. Unless of-course you just mean official releases from vendors.

I'll bet your Droid 2 Global isn't 100% funtional/stable with no or very few bugs too. Same goes for all the other phones that devs have hacked it up to work on. I'm no stranger to ROMs, I've put several different ones on my OG Droid and non of them were as bug-free or as stable as the stock ROM. So yeah, I meant officially, but more importantly I meant stable and useable, which I guarantee your D2G isn't with ICS on it right now.

I root my phones and I flash what not. I don't know why you assume that everyone does so. What is the ICS build in? Alpha, common now. Not everyone is like you and don't expect everyone to hack their way around a phone to flash ICS.

95% of the users will want official updates and just live with what they have. So while I appreciate your bravery, I doubt anyone else cares about flashing their phone with unofficial ways to get ics.

This too. ;)

I've dealt with my fair share of half-baked ROMs to have the latest and greatest Android updates. From now on, I'm just going to buy Nexus devices so I don't have to deal with that crap.
I'll bet your Droid 2 Global isn't 100% funtional/stable with no or very few bugs too. Same goes for all the other phones that devs have hacked it up to work on. I'm no stranger to ROMs, I've put several different ones on my OG Droid and non of them were as bug-free or as stable as the stock ROM. So yeah, I meant officially, but more importantly I meant stable and useable, which I guarantee your D2G isn't with ICS on it right now.

It's more stable than it was with MotoBlur, not that it is a real challenge :D
It's more stable than it was with MotoBlur, not that it is a real challenge :D

Stable !=functional. :p

So you were getting random reboots and freezes with the stock ROM? I know Motoblur is garbage, but I can't see an ICS hack for the Droid 2 being more functional than the stock ROM. Do all the radios work (WiFi, BT, GPS, etc.)? Does the camera work for pics and vids? Does it run like a slideshow?

I tried finding a D2G ICS ROM myself to see the thread/info on it, but I don't even see where the D2G has an ICS ROM available in any Android forums or searching Google. Link?
Most dev stuff is done over at Rootzwiki now adays for a lot of phones. They are a lot more dev friendly or something, I don't really understand, but they are the people who got the HP touchpad running Android, etc. is the first ICS one, you gotta sift through as its not the current "stable release" version until some other 3rd party releases their framework or some weirdness.

Yea, I was getting some reboots, and my biggest beef was the radio would drop things like IRC randomly for 1-2min then come back. These issues don't occur on other roms. Everything works on mine except BT, I haven't ever tested it but they say its working.