Algae & dirty rad


Oct 3, 2003
I just removed my swiftech watercooling setup a few days ago because there was a ton of air inside and my temps were getting way too high. Also i had a bunch of chunks of some green stuff, algae im guessin. How can i stop the algae from growin, the swiftech green uv stuff i had in there obviously did not stop the algae growth. Also could my uv light maybe have helped the algae growth? Also, the inside of my rad is all dirts with green and white stuff, how can i clean that out?

Also, when i hook things back up instead of using my swiftech fill&bleed kit, should i jsut get a res becuase with more water, shouldnt that keep my temps down more?

Any help is appreciated.
If it is green algae, then it requires light, so yes, it could very well be the light you have in your case that caused the buildup. (Brown algae does not require light.) You might try using some different algicide - such as the kind(s) you would normally use in an aquarium. (They're normally copper-based, and very toxic though :( ) Just be careful that if you do add any different chemicals to your water, that they do not cause corrosion or eat away at the tubing. (Some chemicals will, so be careful.)

I would also like to bump this thread to find out what people think of the fill and bleed kit vs. a resevoir. I have a similar issue...
pinesol + lysol = algae remover. Ya might need to jiggle the tubing a little bit so everything comes off.

As far as a algae killer, get a bottle of betadine at your local pet shop or other pet related place. A drop or two will keep your loop clean.

I'd use a res personally, but i have no experience with the swiftech fill/bleed kit.
I switched from the Swiftech FBK to a bay res, and although I don't really see much of a difference in my temps, it made refilling and fully bleeding my system MUCH easier. All you do to fill and bleed all the air is tilt it backwards until the system fills with water, all the air comes right to the top. The only issue for me was that I had to replace the elbows that came with it with barbs instead, which was easy, and also that the screw in the fill hole in the front isn't exactly watertight.... but I put some teflon tape around it and that seemed to solve the problem. As for that algae, I hope it's your lights, cause otherwise I'm gonna have the same problem, cause I used the Hydrx too :( .
Having slightly more water will not lower temps, it may only change the amount of time it takes to heat up or cool down (reach equilibrium).