Alcohol testers

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Feb 27, 2011
Hey guys, here’s a somewhat odd question (or maybe it’s not that weird). I’m looking for those things you can blow in to test the alcohol percentage in your blood. Is it safe to buy this kind of stuff online? A friend is turning 21 and we’re gathering goodie bags with party favors :D
The cheap ones aren't really very precise. For professional devices the sensor needs to be replaced frequently and it's being calibrated, i highly doubt the "novelty" price range products deliver values you could trust. Cool as a gadget but i won't rely on the reading.
The only way to get a 100% accurate test is to get a BAT that gives printed results and is calibrated frequently. You can buy the litmus paper tests, but those only say whether or not you are under the tests max for sobriety. If you are just getting one to say whether you can drive after drinking because you are under the limit, then just don't drink and drive. Get a buddy to not drink and drive you around. I did that a lot for my friends in high school. Better safe than sorry.
Just from experience with this: Don't.

One of my friends father's was a cop and he had an old breathalyzer lying around so my friend brought it to school. What soon happens after is there are contests to see "who is the most drunk." People then start drinking faster and more wrecklessly and nothing good ends up happening.

Not saying this would happen to you but drunk people tend to do dumb things.
Just from experience with this: Don't.

One of my friends father's was a cop and he had an old breathalyzer lying around so my friend brought it to school. What soon happens after is there are contests to see "who is the most drunk." People then start drinking faster and more wrecklessly and nothing good ends up happening.

Not saying this would happen to you but drunk people tend to do dumb things.
which part of anything you just posted is bad? :D
Damn. From the title I thought you needed someone to test alcohol.

For your purposes, cheap inaccurate ones would be best........
Do not rely on them for results but it could be right for a goody bag.
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I had one of those cheapie breathalyzers. Bluetrac brand I think. Cost me about $50. It was a nice novelty but it was not accurate at all. Two breaths in a row would produce completely different results. And to have any semblance of accuracy at all you cannot have drank, eaten, or smoked anything for 20 minutes before using it.

I'd say skip it, unless you can find one for a real good price. The money is better spent on a nice bottle of quality liquor. :)
dealextreme has the little cheapo keychain ones for like 5$.. I got one for my nephew for Xmas, works ok and is cheap..

There are several sites state-side that have them too, but im at work and cant give you the link ATM.
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