Albatron nforce2 mobo agp driver will not work??? help


Jan 3, 2003
I've had this problem for 6 months now. My agp slot will only run with default windows pci-to-pci drivers... forcing my radeon 9700 pro into pci mode and cutting performance.

I've tried *all* of the released nforce drivers and they all do the same exact thing. The computer boots into windows after installing the agp to pci host driver, and as soon as it gets through the "windows xp" screen with the moving bars I get 2 dots at the top of the screen (the rest is black) and the system reboots.

This happened from the very first time I installed this motherboard, this graphics card worked fine on a previous abit nforce2 motherboard. And since getting this motherboard i have reinstalled windows, drivers, service pack in every possible order several times over to no avail.

Please, if anyone has any ideas, help me.

Everything else works great on this board and I would hate to have to spend shipping to rma it.


Completely uninstall the ATI driver, can make sure its gone with one of the utilities from Guru 3d, after that then try reinstalling the entire chipset driver, then DX9.0b then try the ATI driver again.
Yeah, good idea... i've tried that before.

I've even reformatted this system and installed things from scratch in all sorts of orders maybe 4 times now and i've never gotten it to work.

Disable AGP 8x in bios, it will force the card back to 4x, also if the settings are available turn off Fast Writes, disable Super Bypass, and set the AGP appeture to double the video card ram.

Any or none of these things may work, baring them not working, if you have another agp card sitting around slip that in for testing to see if you can get the AGP port to install.
Disabling 8x and fast writes doesn't change anything.

Don't have a super bypass option.

Haven't tried setting the apperature to double... i'm away from home right now... its alreayd set to 128... you think this could really make a difference?

I'll have to wait a few days to do some more testing with another card or whatnot...

And, to be clear on my part, the agp drivers do install, they just will only allow the system to boot in vga mode or in safe mode... if that helps at all.

What motherboard is it?

And on some older boards, if you set your agp appeture to same or less ram it disabled the agp bus so it only worked in PCI mode. I've see the two dots thing happen with both ATI and Nvidia cards.
I had the same problem with my Nforce2 chipset with ATI cards. I tried 4 ATI cards before I put in a Nvidia Card. now everything works fine. But for some reason I can't get ATI cards to work with the Nforce2 chipset

Alright... I've figured some things out.

First of all, the 9700 card will work with ati drivers AND the agp driver IF its the 3-10 driver only... and only if the driver is installed and then the agp driver is installed second...

Second, I just bought a 9800 pro, and have the same exact problems... and only the 3-10 driver works and only if its installed before the agp driver... so strange.

So, must it be the motherboard? Should I just buy another one?
pick up a Abit NF-7 S an you will have no problems at all Version 2 if possible , GREAT soild board .. i love mine no problems except for the stupid chipset fan diein in 2 months
Weird, I've had no problems running ATi hardware on nForce2 motherboards.

Check for a BIOS update?
CrAzYsPyDeR said:
pick up a Abit NF-7 S an you will have no problems at all Version 2 if possible , GREAT soild board .. i love mine no problems except for the stupid chipset fan diein in 2 months

what did you replace it with?