Alan Wake , go for it?


Sep 18, 2009
Saw the gaming headlines today and noticed news about Alan Wake, I remember this from WAY back when Quad Core was first being showcased and completely* forgot about it. Is Alan Wake any good, and did it make good on its multi-threaded promises? :confused:
No longer being developed for PC. :(:mad: It's a 360 title indefinitely..

Going by that, it'll probably be about as multi-threaded as GTA4 if it ever comes.
they realized that it was much easier just to make it a 360 exclusive then to develop it for the pc for now. even if the pc version was released at the same time its likely that 90% of the sales would be xbox anyway so why waste money porting it to pc for release?

they are also going to turn this into episodic garbage just to try and cash in for several years to come. you and I both know that plenty of content that could have been included to make a complete game will be sold to you as an episode later. I hate episodic crap because you never know when or if you will get the next installment. I mean even after well over 2 years, how many of us are still waiting on HL2 Ep 3 while Valve had no problem making L4D 2 in less than half the time. also anyone remember Sin Episodes? lol
:( awwwwwwwwwwww , what happened to it?

they realized that it was much easier just to make it a 360 exclusive then to develop it for the pc for now. even if the pc version was released at the same time its likely that 90% of the sales would be xbox anyway so why waste money porting it to pc for release?
That has nothing to do with it.

It's going to be a big title with a lot of hype. Microsoft already has the PC market locked up so they want all those, possibly millions of people who want this, to buy it on their system where the market is not locked up; Xbox 360. That means PS3/PC owners need to buy a 360 to play it, which get's Microsofts foot in your door.

100% guaranteed that they did this for that reason alone. Why else do you think none of Microsoft Games Studio 'big' titles come to PC? If they do it's years later.
That has nothing to do with it.

It's going to be a big title with a lot of hype. Microsoft already has the PC market locked up so they want all those, possibly millions of people who want this, to buy it on their system where the market is not locked up; Xbox 360. That means PS3/PC owners need to buy a 360 to play it, which get's Microsofts foot in your door.

100% guaranteed that they did this for that reason alone. Why else do you think none of Microsoft Games Studio 'big' titles come to PC? If they do it's years later.
it most certainly has to do with it. the fact that the only console its on is the xbox should of course imply that Microsoft wants ps3 users to buy their systems. that always a given just like Sony wants you to buy a ps3 for Uncharted 2. as for pc getting the shaft though of course its mainly for the reasons I said. remember this was originally going to be a pc game and still could be at some time.
they realized that it was much easier just to make it a 360 exclusive then to develop it for the pc for now. even if the pc version was released at the same time its likely that 90% of the sales would be xbox anyway so why waste money porting it to pc for release?

they are also going to turn this into episodic garbage just to try and cash in for several years to come. you and I both know that plenty of content that could have been included to make a complete game will be sold to you as an episode later. I hate episodic crap because you never know when or if you will get the next installment. I mean even after well over 2 years, how many of us are still waiting on HL2 Ep 3 while Valve had no problem making L4D 2 in less than half the time. also anyone remember Sin Episodes? lol

Dude I have Sin episodes! I only bought it because I needed a cheap FPS and I liked the old Sin game, and the large "mountains" the main antagonist has are quite nice haha :D I wonder if they will make any more episodes...
What?! I must have been lost or something. I could have sworn that it was still being released for PC...damn

I actually liked Sin: Episodes :) It wasn't the best game in the world but it was pretty and fun.
Sin episodes was a good classic style shooter. It was also not IIRC continued because the company got bought out by a casual game company who had no intention of allowing the development of the final 7-8 episodes that were planned.

What exactly was the point in bringing that up? Evidence that episodes do not work?
Sin episodes was a good classic style shooter. It was also not IIRC continued because the company got bought out by a casual game company who had no intention of allowing the development of the final 7-8 episodes that were planned.

What exactly was the point in bringing that up? Evidence that episodes do not work?
yes the company was bought out by a casual game company. I thought the reason for bringing it up was made pretty clear. Sin Episodes backed up one of the reasons I dont like episodic content. a game company can easily get bought or go out of business before ever completing the next installment. hell sometimes a company gets wrapped up in another project and it could be years before the next episode. yeah Valve I am talking about you. just give me a full length game and if it sells well and becomes popular then maybe a sequel if it makes sense. luckily most game developers didnt jump on the episodic bandwagon.
To the OP:

If you have a 360 already and the game gets good reviews, sure. Buy it.

If you have a gaming PC or a PS3? No. We were promised a DX10 game with quad core support in 2006 at IDF. Instead we get a 360 exclusive. I won't lie, I'm very salty about this...
Hmm, I could have swore that the PC version wasn't cancelled but that MS told Remedy to focus soley on the 360 to get the game completed. I still have this sneaking suspicion that the pc version is coming someday.

Not that I'm expecting it, but something about how they announced the shift lead me to believe that.
it most certainly has to do with it. the fact that the only console its on is the xbox should of course imply that Microsoft wants ps3 users to buy their systems. that always a given just like Sony wants you to buy a ps3 for Uncharted 2. as for pc getting the shaft though of course its mainly for the reasons I said. remember this was originally going to be a pc game and still could be at some time.
As for Alan Wake I think we're arguing the same thing in a different way.

Can we agree on it that MSFT wants you to buy it for 360, regardless as if it's on PC or not?

As for Uncharted 2, don't even try that. The company that makes UC does not develop for PC to begin with and Sony doesn't even make PC games outside of SOE.

The thought of "lets keep this PS3 only, and not on Windows" does not even cross their minds at Sony. The though of "Lets keep this 360 only, and not on Windows" is something always on the minds at MSFT because they develop and own both platforms.
As for Alan Wake I think we're arguing the same thing in a different way.

Can we agree on it that MSFT wants you to buy it for 360, regardless as if it's on PC or not?

As for Uncharted 2, don't even try that. The company that makes UC does not develop for PC to begin with and Sony doesn't even make PC games outside of SOE.

The thought of "lets keep this PS3 only, and not on Windows" does not even cross their minds at Sony. The though of "Lets keep this 360 only, and not on Windows" is something always on the minds at MSFT because they develop and own both platforms.
sure we can agree on that.

I am almost positive that if Alan Wake sells well we will have a pc version. its probably just sitting on the back burner for now while they develop it for their big money maker.
I remember when they were talking about his and the Q6600 when it came out and how all the cores would be responsible for something. So I finally have one and i'ts not even going to be available for it? That is such bs. If I owned a 360 I would boycott this. Crap on them.
I remember when they were talking about his and the Q6600 when it came out and how all the cores would be responsible for something. So I finally have one and i'ts not even going to be available for it? That is such bs. If I owned a 360 I would boycott this. Crap on them.
I laughed when people were buying quad cores to prepare for a game that was at least 3 years into the future. you dont buy hardware for a game thats just been announced and is clearly going to be under development for several more years. ;)

heck I remember some clown on the forums last year wanting to build a pc that could handle DOOM 4. :rolleyes:
To the OP:

If you have a 360 already and the game gets good reviews, sure. Buy it.

If you have a gaming PC or a PS3? No. We were promised a DX10 game with quad core support in 2006 at IDF. Instead we get a 360 exclusive. I won't lie, I'm very salty about this...

I completely agree with you.