Aion Release

I rolled a Ranger, always liked the general class. Wow do Rangers suck.....:( Got mine to lvl 12 yesterday and was going to retire it and re roll a Sin until I visited the Aion Ranger forums.

Turns out they really do Suck till about level 16. So at least at lower levels they are pretty tough to play, but I like challenges so I'll keep on with it but man ... lol . Also what the fuck is up with when trying to switch from bow to daggers most of the time the fraking weapons won't switch until I hit the switch weapons button at least 2 or 3 times? fing pisses me the fuck off. lol

Loving my Gladiator, what a blast to play and badass ! Love the Polearm combat animations and really love My DP power talent, looks totally friggin awesome and effective to boot.
Gladiators get rolled over for the longest time until they get their snare stigmas.

I'm level 30 atm and just working up my armor smith now to make gear.. I'm still wearing lvl 17 stuff haha
This is the only chatter going on about this game? :(

We're all too busy playing :D.

I rolled a Ranger, always liked the general class. Wow do Rangers suck.....:( Got mine to lvl 12 yesterday and was going to retire it and re roll a Sin until I visited the Aion Ranger forums.

Turns out they really do Suck till about level 16. So at least at lower levels they are pretty tough to play, but I like challenges so I'll keep on with it but man ... lol . Also what the fuck is up with when trying to switch from bow to daggers most of the time the fraking weapons won't switch until I hit the switch weapons button at least 2 or 3 times? fing pisses me the fuck off. lol

According to my leveling buddy, Rangers suck big time until level 25 when you get two chain combo stuns. He doesn't even need to kite mobs now, they just drop dead.

Weapon switch takes about 1.5s to go through, be patient =p
We're all too busy playing :D.

According to my leveling buddy, Rangers suck big time until level 25 when you get two chain combo stuns. He doesn't even need to kite mobs now, they just drop dead.

Weapon switch takes about 1.5s to go through, be patient =p

Shift + Z is actually the hotkey for weapon switch! It helps a lot.
Go melee as ranger till around level 16 then you can use the bow a little better. At 19 it picks up. Just gotta get through those levels.

Weapons wont switch until your last action animation is done I think. Yeah it sucks. Gladiator is a fun class too, also one of those classes that don't own face till later on.
Yeah, waiting for the animations sucks, and that is most likely what is causing the issue besides the actual 1.5s swap time. I am only level 21 chanter, but I grouped with a 25 ranger and man, they put out some dps for sure. Chanters are the best though, just deal with
Level 9 Mage, going Sorc I think. Will stick with this toon until my brother gets an account next week and then probably try a cleric or a different ranged class.

Pretty standard so far, but it's a different world to explore, so I'm liking it so far.
Does anyone happen to know the ports (for port forwarding) used by Aion?
Does anyone happen to know the ports (for port forwarding) used by Aion?
I don't know specifically but a quick search brought that post up with this GL.

You must forward the following ports: 2106 and 7777 with both UDP and TCP.

I also ensured I had the latest firmware for my router (again from manufacturer’s website).

If you still have problems find in your settings DMZ mode. Enable this with either your MAC ID or IP address (given by router).
Anyone else an assassin? Pretty good class, so far. Take too much dmg, tho. :/

Yeah I played an assassin in beta to 13. I really liked the class. They do take a lot of dmg but they dish out a ton also. I play a Gladiator now and duo kill with an assassin. I keep it busy and he owns it from behind. ;)
Anyone else an assassin? Pretty good class, so far. Take too much dmg, tho. :/

I am too. I read all the classes and Assassin provides the best pvp experience in my opinion. I'm lvl 24 but have all blues. Waiting for lvl 25 for abyss and Ambush stigma. Hide FTW and ganking all this weekend. LOL
I love the game, just wish I had more time! It's been a busy week! I got my Cleric to level 11 in a weekend.
exp started jumping a lot late 30's
almost lv42 now and it takes 49m xp to go from 41 -> 42
I need to keep playing this game the way I am or I'll get bored QUICK. I'm only level 11 since Sunday. I play for an hour and hop off.
1-22 was horrible for me as a cleric. I'm 31 now and just cruising. Love the game, probably because I play on a low pop server where there hasn't been any queues.
Anyone here have chanter experience? I feel like trying one and want to know opinions on it post 25
Anyone here have chanter experience? I feel like trying one and want to know opinions on it post 25
I'm enjoying it at level 30. Now that my skill chains are getting longer, I can do more damage in a short amount of time, and with abilities like Focused Parry and Parrying Strike, I can prevent some physical damage to myself, and retaliate occasionally when I do. Plus being able to heal in a pinch can be critical if your group gets itself into trouble.
1-22 was horrible for me as a cleric. I'm 31 now and just cruising. Love the game, probably because I play on a low pop server where there hasn't been any queues.

They fixed the que issue with the high pop servers. Most I have had to wait was 20mins and that was about 5 days ago or so.
I was playing solo until I hit lvl 11. I grouped up with a couple of guys that are now in my legion and we got to lvl 15 rather quickly.
is there anyway to transfer my account to a different NCsoft account..i attached it to my account that has guild wars on it...unfortunately im not enjoying the game as much as id like...

edit check that...
my Account only has Aion on it. Do companies typically ban accounts that have been traded. either for currency or other accounts?
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Boy, the Aion hype died down quick. WAR went on for weeks.

Are you guys enjoying the game? Any WOW players who are playing AION and enjoying it?
Boy, the Aion hype died down quick. WAR went on for weeks.

Are you guys enjoying the game? Any WOW players who are playing AION and enjoying it?

Ehhhh I don't see this game holding onto initial player base.
I got to lvl 11 and I'm not liking the elyso or however it's spelt.
The districts are too spread out. Takes several minutes to walk
around city. I'm enjoying champions online ATM
Stopped playing at 18 and currently playing Fallen Earth and enjoying it very much sorry Aion :)
Still playing in between work and school... lvl 23 right now... crafting and gathering have consumed lots of time.
Still playing and enjoying it...Just hit lvl 14 today...solo all the way so far..Ranger.
Still playing as well on my 27 Sorc , I'll post some screens. I have yet to group with Gaiden or Juggies (trying to get my gathering up)

On a sidenote if you enjoy soloing play a Spiritmaster, even in PvP they are quite annoying to deal with. If you want to be constantly grouped play a Templar
I'm also still playing, almost level 33 Gladiator. HardUp4HardWare, how does it look like the hype is dying down? The servers are packed every single day still with many people trying to level hard.






Here are some screenies from early on in the game.





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Boy, the Aion hype died down quick. WAR went on for weeks.

Are you guys enjoying the game? Any WOW players who are playing AION and enjoying it?

Having too much fun playing to come here and post about the game silly human ..... lol :D and ..... I am an EX WoW player, never going back to WoW.
Ehhhh I don't see this game holding onto initial player base.
I got to lvl 11 and I'm not liking the elyso or however it's spelt.
The districts are too spread out. Takes several minutes to walk
around city. I'm enjoying champions online ATM

Ehhhh I don't see this game holding onto initial player base.
I got to lvl 11 and I'm not liking the elyso or however it's spelt.
The districts are too spread out. Takes several minutes to walk
around city. I'm enjoying champions online ATM

If you dont like the game, thats cool.However your excuse is so totally lame. Every damn MMO I've ever been in has "districts" spread out and takes several minutes to walk around a city .... :rolleyes:
Playing on Vaizel, Elyos side and also Siel, Asmodean side. Highest is only a 20 Templar, but I am LOVING the game. Can't wait to get into the abyss and smash some faces. I have Fallen Earth sitting on my desk, still unopened XD