AIM Triton Question


Dec 3, 2004
How do I make custom sounds that buddy's can hear on the recieving end? Basically what I'm trying to do is everytime I send a message I have a "BOB SAGET!" clip that I want the buddy on the other end to hear upon recieving the im. Is this possible?
i always thought that in order to use your own sounds when you login, you have to pay for them. they are in the expression part or something and has rates. like how aol people, can get the "wallpaper" to the left of their IM windows like under the icon. idk, i've looked on how to use my own sounds, but all i've found was pay $$$ to aol.

p.s. why are you using triton? it sucks ass! i went back to 5.9 when i reformated. at first i was like whoa new aim? then i was like POS so i'm sticking with 5.9 :cool:
I agree about is being sucky, but, it has tabs, and means I won't have many windows open...
Try Trillian, it has tabs too (and a ton of other features) more AOL software!
Off-topic, but you are the first person i've seen online anywhere who thinks yelling BOB SAGAT is funny. Good ol' Tourette's Guy.
YEAH Trillion is much much better.. :) and the basic version is free..

AIM 5.9 is okay and I haven't downloaded and tried Triton so I don't know about that one, but here is my review out of 10

AIM 5.9- 8/10
Trillian- 9/10