
Aug 7, 2003
i suck balls at modding. my new motto is "don't try to fix something if it isn't broken." i thought my cpu was running hot (around 45 degrees celcius) so i wanted to add a window and some fan holes. long story short, i completely f'ed up my side panel, my jigsaw, and my grandpa's jigsaw blades. i'm leaving soon, but i'll have the full story later. it sucks. as of now i'm rocking the side-less case.
Originally posted by stringcheeseincident
i suck balls at modding. my new motto is "don't try to fix something if it isn't broken." i thought my cpu was running hot (around 45 degrees celcius) so i wanted to add a window and some fan holes. long story short, i completely f'ed up my side panel, my jigsaw, and my grandpa's jigsaw blades. i'm leaving soon, but i'll have the full story later. it sucks. as of now i'm rocking the side-less case.

better airflow that way.
i usually leave my side panel off. i replaced the fan on my volcano 9 with a generic clear one and its pulling air from the cpu rather than pushing air on it.

You'll want to switch that fan back, trust me. I thought it would help to pull air off the cpu, but it doesnt. It ends up pulling air off the tip of the HSF instead of forcing cool air through the whole HSF. Do yourself a favor, switch that fan back to blow through the hsf.
it depends on the heatsink, many are made for the fans to pull air off. i'm not sure what way mine is so i'll try both. i'm getting around the same temps as before. i just got home, i'm soaked and tired, and it's too late for pictures. i'll have them tomorrow.
do you think if i email the case manufactorer with my model number that i could maybe buy another panel? anyone know of places where you can get a window installed for cheap?
Re fans sucking or blowing....

Generally - if the fan is ducted, using something like the shroud included on the Alpha PAL8045 HSF, it be blowing away from the motherboard. If its NOT ducted, the fan should be blowing down on it.

Generally speaking....there are always exceptions.
