AGP driver issue - Pls. Help


Limp Gawd
Aug 22, 2004
Hello, I tried this question in the Mobo sesction, but no luck. Hopefully here will work:

I've upgraded my computer with a new BFG 7800GS OC AGP video card. The newest Nvidia drivers have been installed. However, 3D Rendering in games looked really bad, so I downloaded and installed new AGP drivers for my ASUS P4S533 motherboard (probably 5 or 6 years old). This worked just fine and fixed the issues. I had to do the exact same thing last time I bought a new video card, and it worked.

But something is not working this time. Everytime I reboot, I same graphic problem re-appears and need to reinstall the AGP motherboard drivers to fix it.

Do I have a driver conflict or roll-back issue? Are the old drivers still causing problems somehow?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I take it you removed the previous vid drivers before installing the new ones ? If not this could be your problem. Download Driver Cleaner Pro and follow the instructions to remove the older vid drivers. Then install the latest vid drivers for the 7800GS.

Make sure you have the latest bios for your MB.
Make sure your using the latest chipset drivers. Which I believe would be an SIS chipset.
645, or 648, 651 ?
Disable any on board graphics you may have enabled in Bios.
Try setting your Agp Aperture size to 256 megs.

This was somewhat of a problem on the 651 chipset and the 6600GT series of cards.
I have not heard of this on the 7 series.
Thanks. No, I didn't remove the old AGP motherboard drivers.... I was suspicious that this might be the issue. I'm only familiar with uninstalling drivers via the Add/Remove Program menu. I will definitely give your suggestion a whirl.

I'll check into the other pointers as well.

I have the SIS 645DX chipset.

Just dawned on me. I've been looking through the ASUS site for Motherboard drivers. Should I be looking somewhere lese for the chipset drivers?
Thanks. No, I didn't remove the old AGP motherboard drivers.... I was suspicious that this might be the issue. I'm only familiar with uninstalling drivers via the Add/Remove Program menu. I will definitely give your suggestion a whirl.

I'll check into the other pointers as well.


You should still be able to do that from Add\Remove Programs. But you also want to remove any and all previous video drivers you had installed before you install the 7800GS drivers. This is what Driver Cleaner Pro is for. Although you can also use it to remove other drivers as well. It would not hurt anything for sure to do so. There is a selection in Driver Cleaner Pro for SIS Graphics. Make sure you follow the instructions to a tee.