agp disabled?


Aug 8, 2004
When I look at Everest or my advanced settings it says agp is disabled. I've tried turning agp on in the bios but that doesnt do anything. I also can't enable fastwrite. How do you fix this? Im using Catalyst 5.8. Here are my system specs

p4 2.8ghz (northwood)
Albatron PX848 Like (Pro)
512mb generic ram
Sapphire Radeon 9600 Atlantis 256mb (np)

btw when I first built my computer my agp was shown as enabled Im not sure when it became disabled and I used to get much better fps in cs i get like 40-50avg and dips down to 20 now when it used to stay at 99fps constant and never dipped.
check your BIOS then, sometimes if AGP apeture size is set too low (ie: like 4MB) it disables AGP transfer mode. Though that was more of a problem on legacy boards (like AGP 2X boards)
My agp aperture is set to 128mb and I also found something that looked strange.

Is this normal? because its in an agp slot. Im beginning to think that my mobo or vc is defective...
does that to me aswell, asus probe/windows device info both say my cards are in pci mode and my agp is either disabled or available regardless if there's a card in there or not..... wierd
happens to me too but i have never fixed it or found a way to fix it. i have thi problem on 2 mobos aswell, MSI Neo PLat. and DFI 745 UT board. I ahve checked everything but it still deosnt make a difference.