AGP club

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i got the 3850 agp too, even though gonna upgrade to i7 soon, but gonna give the older system to my parents, so might as well upgrade it for them
The HD 3850 can breathe life into so many systems. P4's and AXP's can run anything that came out this year; admittedly at lower res. and detail settings but nevertheless play it. Anyone with S754 or S939 is going to be solidly in a midrange situation.
anyone know how well is the stock cooler for sapphire 3850 that currently sell on newegg?
Yeah I kinda answered you in the other thread. But again the idle temps can be as low as maybe even less than 40ºC in a super well cooled case to idling near 60ºC in a hot box. Load temps will as low as maybe less than 60ºC in that super cooled box to over 90ºC without the proper cooling.

There is too much variance to accurately say. One thing is for sure; this card can run hot if you don't get some active cooling above and beyond the stock cooler. You don't need to replace the stock cooler per se but even throwing a 120mm on it in your side panel or something can take several degrees over this potential hot tamale
wow nice! I have an 4 case fans*2 intake* and one is right next to the gpu for outtake and i can feel warm air coming out.. and at load my 9800gtx is at 65 C.. but then thats a 9800gtx congrats to new members :)
I just left the AGP club, with a tradeup from BFG. 9800GT for a 7800GS and $50. Since I had a new rig waiting for a PCIe video card, it was a great deal. Now I have the problem that I'm using a mATX board and can't do SLI, LOL.

Although in my heart I will always consider myself to be an AGP club member, I am forced to leave the AGP club as my last motherboard with an AGP slot bit the dust after 5 years. I am upgrading my main rig to an i7 and moving my E6600 to file server & WCG duty. I did pass the card, an FX5700, on to a very appreciative new owner.
Sorry fellow brethen but I have left the club to join forces with the PCIe camp. BFG made me an offer I couldnt refuse!
I'm still running my trusty ATI Radeo 9800 Pro 128 on an ABIT ic7-max with a p4 2.4.

'World of Goo' looks amazing with the graphix maxxexd!!! And with the overclock, I can set my Atari 5200 emulator settings to 'High'. :cool:
I'm still running my trusty ATI Radeo 9800 Pro 128 on an ABIT ic7-max with a p4 2.4.

'World of Goo' looks amazing with the graphix maxxexd!!! And with the overclock, I can set my Atari 5200 emulator settings to 'High'. :cool:

ha, funny one.

I do miss my 9700pro, was the first gfx card i ever got excited about.
ha, funny one.

I do miss my 9700pro, was the first gfx card i ever got excited about.

I've reconfigured the UNserver into the current rig via a mobo/CPU/RAM swap (Mom has my Radeon X1650PRO, as she's still AGP-driven), but I do plan on putting the P4C800-E Deluxe back in battery, but as a server board (I already have a Radeon 7500 AGP card set aside for this); all I need is another case and to complete a planned PSU upgrade for the current rig. The new server will run either openSuSE or Windows Home Server and be a file/print/video server for the household. (The server will also be the *admin box* for the family LAN, so I can convert my existing rig to wireless and connect it to my 42" plasma in my bedroom.)
still rocking my radeon 7500 128mb for my bench rig testing on win7 right now :) index score of 1 ftw!
My buddy just got an unopened Radeon 7000 'Evil Wizard' AGP from his big bro as sort of a joke Christmas gift, quite a trip seeing that.
My buddy just got an unopened Radeon 7000 'Evil Wizard' AGP from his big bro as sort of a joke Christmas gift, quite a trip seeing that.

wow nice to see there are still people with agp cards :) .. hahaha that must of been priceless watching his reaction when he found out it was an agp card! :D
Does the AGP computer have to be your primary computer or can it be the secondary/guest PC you have setup?

Because I have an old Intel P4 2.4Ghz Northwood running an ATi 9200 (I think) AGP video card. Used to have a Nvidia 5900SE in it, but that card died and I just replaced it with a spare ATi card I had laying around. Haven't ran the computer in a couple months though, and actually used it for probably a year.

That will change once I move into the new house though and get it all set back up.
Does the AGP computer have to be your primary computer or can it be the secondary/guest PC you have setup?

Because I have an old Intel P4 2.4Ghz Northwood running an ATi 9200 (I think) AGP video card. Used to have a Nvidia 5900SE in it, but that card died and I just replaced it with a spare ATi card I had laying around. Haven't ran the computer in a couple months though, and actually used it for probably a year.

That will change once I move into the new house though and get it all set back up.

wow i haven't been in this thread for awhile ... my bad :( as long as you own an agp card(it can be lying around) then you are qualified :D .. hmm i wonder if there will be dx11 agp cards when dx11 is out??

I just built a HTPC with an old Athlon XP I had lying around and a 6600GT I got from the FS forum after my X850XT PE died. I'm back in the club! Although I was never technically out since my Win Server 2008 box is S754 with a Radeon 9600 and my workbench box is rockin' an XP with a MX4000, but those boxes don't get used much except to serve files and the occasional PDF lookup.
I just built a HTPC with an old Athlon XP I had lying around and a 6600GT I got from the FS forum after my X850XT PE died. I'm back in the club! Although I was never technically out since my Win Server 2008 box is S754 with a Radeon 9600 and my workbench box is rockin' an XP with a MX4000, but those boxes don't get used much except to serve files and the occasional PDF lookup.

nice!! not bad at all for an agp rig :)

Hmm any more guys with agp cards ? :) and when do you plan to upgarde to pcie?
Ill probably upgrade when I want to run games or programs and this machine no longer can do it well enough.
Not only that have to save up money. Thats usually the hardest part
Ill probably upgrade when I want to run games or programs and this machine no longer can do it well enough.
Not only that have to save up money. Thats usually the hardest part

agreed i built my first pcie pc (with an 8800gts 320) when my agp single core pc couldn't handle the games i played that well so i upgrade to dual core(e4300 still using) and the gpu said earlier :) and plus it was the time to build a new pc for me too :D the timing couldn't had went any better hehe.
When am I switching to PCIe? Probably around summertime or so. I'm low on funds so I'm planning on getting a job. It's gonna be awhile, but it'll all be worth it finally getting to replace this Athlon XP box.
I have a 9800XT 256mb card in my storage/backup gaming tower, and I have literally never had a problem with it. Even through a blown motherboard, two fried power supplies, and 2 corrupted hard drives, this still holds it down...greatest card Ive owned next to the X1950XT im using now....

And let me just say, Sapphire is the best in the land!
Got a Shittle SN95G5 with a 256mb GDDR3 Sapphire HD2600XT AGP card running 825/800 and it plays CoD4 quite nicely :)
I'm building a new PCIe system in the next week or two. I'll still keep my AGP systems running, but the newer games and a few of the old games will run on the PCIe machine.:)

My MB will be the Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P and my video card will be an EVGA GTX-280.
I'm building a new PCIe system in the next week or two. I'll still keep my AGP systems running, but the newer games and a few of the old games will run on the PCIe machine.:)

My MB will be the Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P and my video card will be an EVGA GTX-280.

awesome thats going to be a nice build! I am running a pcie pc (9800gtx+) I still have my amd 3200+ with an ATI FireGl x3 256 though :eek: still running smoothly too!!!
err no one else?

I have an ati x800xt 256 Club 3D. I paid 471 euros for it.......................... And I say it because I want to be insulted for such wasted of money like 3-4 years ago.

I'm upgrading to PCIe thrusday 12th of March. 4870 or 260. Not sure yet.
I have an ati x800xt 256 Club 3D. I paid 471 euros for it.......................... And I say it because I want to be insulted for such wasted of money like 3-4 years ago.

I'm upgrading to PCIe thrusday 12th of March. 4870 or 260. Not sure yet.
lol my mom and dad rented a dell from RAC in 2005 or 6 but they paid like 2000 bucks for it over 12 had the same card in it and i remember walking in 20degree rain and wind to best buy just to buy a 512mb ram stick for 80 bucks so i wouldnt lag in WoW anymore.

ahh good times if i ddnt have that computer i honestly dont know what i would of done.maybe go outside? :p
I still have a 6600gt in my old computer, I hate it :D
so slow
I still have a 6600gt in my old computer, I hate it :D
so slow

My BFGTech AGP 6600 GT OC was my all time favorite card. I got a solid 3 years out of it, money well spent IMHO. My PMG5 still has a 6600 in it (pcie edition) and its fine for the occasional quake game (only game worth playing on a mac, again IMHO). :)
My BFGTech AGP 6600 GT OC was my all time favorite card. I got a solid 3 years out of it, money well spent IMHO. My PMG5 still has a 6600 in it (pcie edition) and its fine for the occasional quake game (only game worth playing on a mac, again IMHO). :)

Mine was perfect for the time, but playing battlefield 2 on it was, plain and simple, a joke. I did it for about 3 years before upgrading to my new 8800gt /core2 rig.
I've got a 5600 ultra that's still kicking in a family members' rig. Fan just died recently, but I've never had a problem with it before that.
I've got a 5600 ultra that's still kicking in a family members' rig. Fan just died recently, but I've never had a problem with it before that.

:eek: wow that is old!!! Get a fan, zip tie it to the card? But wow i never knew there was a 5600 until now :eek: ... sad i know.. :mad::rolleyes::)
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