AGEIA Joins Futuremark's 3DMark Benchmark Development Program

This will only have relevance if we start to see some games that leverage the Ageia solution. I watch the teaser video for "PhysicsMark" (or whatever it is) on the [H] front page, and I see two videos of "so what". To me, they're nothing but two videos that have no correlation to anything at all besides tech demos. Might as well be called "PhysicsTechDemoMark", because that's the only correlation at this point.

And on that note; the Cell Factor trailer. For the entire length of the trailer, I never saw any evidence of an actual "game", even though it's being touted as one. Okay, great - objects can be moved around, bunched up, strewn about, thrown and tossed...but is this supposed to be a game?