Aero Lag in Windows 7

A barely-visible split second isn't really "lag". That's stretching the term.

If I had to guess, I'd presume this is a performance optimization they did to the animation to make it take less resources. It's probably by design, 99% of users probably don't notice or don't care, and I highly doubt it'll be important enough to warrant a fix.
in that youtube video you can see that little skip, like it misses a frame. Nothing worth bitching about. I didn't even notice it until a different thread a few weeks ago.
A barely-visible split second isn't really "lag". That's stretching the term.

If I had to guess, I'd presume this is a performance optimization they did to the animation to make it take less resources. It's probably by design, 99% of users probably don't notice or don't care, and I highly doubt it'll be important enough to warrant a fix.

I am not so sure about that. If it really is a performance optimization I prefer it to work like it did in Windows Vista. Minimizing and maximizing WOW in Windows 7 can be very painful at times even with 8 GB of ram. There is something wrong when my fps in WOW go from 40 to 60 fps then all the way down to 11 to 13 fps when going back into it. Same with minimizing WOW when I see a little bit of my steam window then it all appears slowly. It just didn't happen in Vista. If they can't fix this I am going back to Vista.
in that youtube video you can see that little skip, like it misses a frame. Nothing worth bitching about. I didn't even notice it until a different thread a few weeks ago.

After watching the YouTube video, I concure.

And I just did my daughters computer, I see none of it