advice on LCD samsung 910MP or 930B


Mar 3, 2005
we just recently built a new pc using the asus A8n athlon 64 3500, 200 gig hard drive seagate barracuda, 2 6600 gt, 1gig of ram.

I am looking for the best flat panel I can get for gamming. I was thinking about the dell that you guys were talking about the new pone thats sold out the 24 inch one. but when I read the specs it said it had 12 millisecond response time. so I ended up doing some reasearch and found out that its the response time thats very important including the contrast ratio. Since I dont want a 17 inch I rather go for 19 or higher. I onlky found a bunch of panels that have 12-25 milisecond response time and the contrast was over 900 or I find some at 8 millisecond response time and the contrast ratio is not great.

So then I said lets see if the 19 inch models have something so I found a few one from hundai and 2 from samsung. I think ia m going with samsung and I need to find out between these two models which one is better.

910MP or 930B

they both have same response time and contrast ratio. contrast is 700/1 and resposne time 8m

howevert he only thing that is different is that the 910MP model has 350 cd/m² and the 930B has 300 cd/m²

thats the part that I dont understand. whats the 350 cd/m² mean?
Thats the brightness. Higher is usually better.

I think you have to be careful with making buying decisions on LCDs based purely on specs though. Find some reviews and see what people thought of the actual product.
still doesnt answer what is does this mean cd/m

the two monitors have the same refresh rate, and response time and this is the only thing that is different. Would anyone know what this means?
Sweetnsexy said:
still doesnt answer what is does this mean cd/m

the two monitors have the same refresh rate, and response time and this is the only thing that is different. Would anyone know what this means?
The text 'cd/m²' stands for "candelas per square meter". As jackkoho said, it indicates the maximum brightness of the screen.
As the gentlemen above tried to point out:

Most people would consider the higher brightness setting to be better. However, manufacturer's claims on many of these specifications are dubious at best as they all want their stats to come out better than the competitions. Caveat emptor.

The advice given above is right on point - "I think you have to be careful with making buying decisions on LCDs based purely on specs though. Find some reviews and see what people thought of the actual product." Combine that with the fact that so many of these issues are subjective and I would even take it one step further: Do all of your research and then buy locally so you can see for yourself.

One persons acceptable brightness level is horrid to others. Same with contrast ratios, black levels, monitor adjustability features, aesthetic quality, text clarity, color intensity and hue, and on and on and on. Do your research, narrow down the choices, and then look at them yourself locally. Just my two cents worth.