Advice on Budget System


Oct 6, 2006
Hey, I am new to the forums, well, as far as posting goes. I come here quite often because i have found that the information here is usually right on point.
Anyway, I am builing a system for a friend. He doesnt really game too much, every now and then, but mainly he will just be using it for video editing, surfing the net, etc. He has about a $500-$600 budget. I am just wondering what anyone might suggest as far as cpu goes. I would like to put a 2x512 ram and 160 gb hdd, but other than that im not sure what will get the most bang for the buck as far as cpu, mobo, and video card. Any advice would be appreciated.

It's tough to say these days since DDR2 prices have decided to take a jump up. I would have normally said anything above the 3100+ in the AM2 sempron line or since your friend does video editing, perhaps even a e6300 C2D :eek:. For the ocassional gamer, anything in the X16XX series for ATI, or anything in the 76XX series for Nvidia. Consider the 7300GT if money is tight.
Although this really should be posted in the general hardware section, this is a build to consider:

Case: Centurion 5 @ $45
PSU: FSP AX400-PN $41
Motherboard: Biostar Tforce 550 @ $79
Processor: 3800 X2 @ $159
RAM: OCZ DDR2-800 @ $119
HD: WD Caviar SE 160GB $54
Optical: Samsung DVDRW @ $30
Video Card: 7600GS @ $88
Total: $615

A bit over budget, but I've got a few tips to cut down on cost:
  • You could always go cheap on the case, as there are some Raidmax cases that aren't too shabby for less money [Example]. Obviously those aren't nearly the same quality as the CM case, nor do they offer as good cooling, but hey, it's a budget system.
  • Buy the RAM second hand. It's unbelievable how inflated RAM prices are right now, and scoring a set off the FS/FT forums is the best way to save a good $20-$40.
  • Depending on the games he plays, you may also be able to downgrade the video card to the 7300 series or x1300 series.
ssbsts said:
Thanks for the advice. I am definitely leaning towards the x2 3800.

The reason I suggest dual core is mainly because you mentioned that he's into video editing.
Here are some great deals that mattc found on cases if you don't mind MIR's. I would suggest saving as much on your case as possible, if the cooling isn't great you can cut a hole in it and put another fan on it.
quadnad has recommended a pretty good build. If you are doing any video editing I would go with a much larger HD though as all those multi-gig files add up quickly - you can find fantastic deals on new high capacity HD's in the Hot Deals forum here.
Also, in order to cut costs a little more, see about getting a motherboard with integrated video - it would be around the GeForce 6200 / Radeon x1300 class (nothing to brag about), but certainly serviceable [ for example, I bought a GeForce 6100 series board for a friend's build, and it worked out beautifully].
Also, quadnad's recomendation of the Centurion5 is especially right on the money! You would not be disappointed with this case!
Servant of Shodan said:
If you are doing any video editing I would go with a much larger HD though as all those multi-gig files add up quickly - you can find fantastic deals on new high capacity HD's in the Hot Deals forum here.

Exactly what I was thinking until he specified 160gb....I originally had this drive setup for the machine...

Also, the only reason i didn't go for a mobo with onboard video was because he mentioned gaming....OP, do you know specifically what games he'd be looking to play?
quadnad said:
OP, do you know specifically what games he'd be looking to play?

He specifically mentioned "age of empire or civilization or something like that". To be honest, i am not really into gaming, so i wasnt able to really assess his need for a video card.

Also, I originally was looking at that 320 gb seagate, but was jsut trying to cut costs, but if onboard video would suffice for those types of games, then of course i can put the savings into mores hard space.

And thanks for all the replies so far.
ssbsts said:
He specifically mentioned "age of empire or civilization or something like that". To be honest, i am not really into gaming, so i wasnt able to really assess his need for a video card.

Also, I originally was looking at that 320 gb seagate, but was jsut trying to cut costs, but if onboard video would suffice for those types of games, then of course i can put the savings into mores hard space.

And thanks for all the replies so far.

If he's talking about Age of Empires 3, then no, onboard wouldn't suffice. I'd probably look into that 7600GS.