Advice for file/print server OS


Aug 9, 2002
I'm building a small file and print server (two 300 gig SATA drives mirrored with on board RAID), and I'm trying to figure out which OS to run. At first, freeNAS sounded interesting, but I don't thing you can run CUPS or anything like that for a print server. I'm thinking about going with an Ubuntu/samba combo. What do you all think? Any suggestions?
Home use. Initially, there will only be two clients, a windows xp box, and a macbook. I'd say the max number would be 10.
For cost effectiveness, use Ubuntu. To help make things a little more simple, put another small drive in the server and use that as your /boot partition.
fedora core 4 has good samba support, I'd go with that. Although, traditionally, I've hated the FCs.
Theres always ClarkConnect that works pretty darn good for home file serving, also does web sites and dns/dhcp and network security as well
mdameron said:
Is 2k Pro good enough? (i'm doing the same thing this semester)
Yes and no. You may have problems with your SATA RAID drivers in Windows 2000. Also, Windows 2000 Pro (and XP Home/Pro) have a 10 connection limit. You probably won't go over that though with only a couple machines. If it's what you are comfortable with, it's a place to start.
At least give some variant of linux a try, samba is interdependent and will run on most if not all distro's. Its a good learning experience too.
I use 2k3 myself. Also have a domain and stuff running.

*nix is still beyond my abilities to run it and feel good about fixing any problems. Therefore, for easiness sake I prefer to stick with MS. I know it well, and it does what I need. I would recommend it, if you're not comfortable with *nix for sure. Alternativly... just use 2k or XP if you have it already. It will work fine to share a printer and/or files :cool: