Adobe Premiere Elements CS3 Text Fade In/Out


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2004
I am new to using this software as I used to use Roxio. I can figure out quite a bit but I am unable to figure out how to get my text in my slideshow to fade in and fade out. I can get it to do one (meaning only one transition such as fade in) by using the text animation tool but I can't get the text to fade out before the transition to the next picture(clip). I have tried looking this up and they mention about the opacity tool above the timeline marker. I don't have that on my screen. I have version 6.0 of Adobe Premiere Elements. I also saw on a forum someone mentioning about the rubber band but I was unable to locate this as well.

Does anyone know how to do this and if so, how? If you know and could give me a step by step way to get there it would be greatly appreciated. Before anyone responds, I have googled this up with no luck.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. I really need to figure this out.
*jealous - I've never used Premiere, so no idea either. I can tell you how to do it in Flash, if that helps. :p
If it were Sony Vegas I could help you in a heartbeat, but Premiere and I never really got along all that well. :p