adjustable OCZ rails?


Limp Gawd
Apr 20, 2001
so I have a 600w ocz powerstream ps.

The lights on the back show "green."
And I know adjusting the nobs adjust the rails feeding from the power supply..would this in effect enable a more stable system? higher overclock? Anything? or is it more of a gimmick??

any thoughts are welcome!
more of a gimmick, but with some value in oc'ing.
To the best of my understanding this is almost entirely useless, as the mainboard has its own voltage regulation. So as you turn up the voltage on the PSU the board turns it down again and all you do is produce more heat and strain on the power regulation. Not to mention your harddrives, which are not behind secondary power regulation.

The only useful thing can be if you have heavy overvolting going on, such as 4.0 V Vdimm and one PSU rail begins to collapse, or if you connect something directly to one of the PSU rails instead of going though the mainboard.
I agree with u0pt 100% >>>> that a great quality PSU but I would not spend any effort playing with the adjustments >>>>> other than to tweak them to specified ratings of your system >>>>> other than that the boards voltage regulator is going to "try"to compensate for any exteme adjsutments you make.

I would enjoy owning that PSU though, very quality unit.
I like being able to adjust my rails, gives me a chance to have a perfect 5V, 12V, and 3.3V rail. instead of 5.1V or 12.14V.

by the way, the only way to do this is a volt meter, dont do it any other way.
Gimmick? Hahaha, no.

The DFI nF3 754 board allowed for a vdimm of up to 4.0v, but only used the 3.3v rail. The OCZ allowed me to raise that rail to 3.85v and I was able to get 270MHz 1.5-2-2 out of some CH5 based RAM (BH5 scaled well with voltage, but CH5 keeps going and going until you kill it.) 3.2v netted me only 250mhz at those timings.

It's not just a gimmick if you know what hardware will take advantage of it.
DaCoOlNeSs said:
I like being able to adjust my rails, gives me a chance to have a perfect 5V, 12V, and 3.3V rail. instead of 5.1V or 12.14V.

by the way, the only way to do this is a volt meter, dont do it any other way.
Thats not even worth it. Your rails are going to fluxuate anyway.
Thanks for the replies.

Now - If I go ahead and adjust the Voltages..can I
1. Do it on the fly? As in when the computer is on.
2. By adjusting the voltages, can i technically create permanent damage to my stuff?

(I would read the instructions..but I don't have the box with me anymore)
I thought I had heard that the dials are there, but you void the warranty if you even touch them, anyone know if this is true? If it is, damn thats lame.
Adjusting the rails while the machine is on could be a bad idea. Ever adjusted the volume on a cheap Walkman (or knockoff thereof) and got a little static while you did so? You could get the same thing on the power supply outputs, and that could be a Bad Thing. I don't know enough about the circuit to say, but suffice it to say I wouldn't do it.
