Adding Rebuilt Comps to WHS


[H]F Junkie
Jan 19, 2007
I've run into a problem where everytime I rebuild a machine at home (have 3 + netbook) that it adds an extra computer to WHS for backup service. I've now hit the 10 machine limit and trying to see if there is a way to continue where the last machine stopped instead of deleting the older machine completely. The new name matches the old name along with password but there are hardware changes involved so a simple restore and continue is out.

Basically I'm wanting to re-associate a freshly rebuilt PC with previous backups rather than have it appear as a new PC.

My Google.fu has found this but still no luck... Anyone with some insite in this?
I know of no way to do it. A new machine is a new machine. You'll have to delete the old ones.

Whenever I have to reformat I always go back to WHS and delete the "old" computer. Once the reformatted one is up and working I no longer need the old backups anyways.
unless you do a restore from the WHS a fresh build is a new PC...

do a file/folder restore form your most recent backup, delete your old PCs backups and let it start over..