Adding GPU fan to Corsair 800D?


Sep 2, 2008
Hey guys, I figured my 800D is lacking in airflow, especially around the GPU are if you have multiple cards. Since the bottom fan doesn't really line up with the GPU intake fan I'm thinking about adding some more fans for additional cooling so the GPU fans don't have to ramp up as high.

First though is to add another fan on the bottom, next to the one that came with the case. But that would require cutting a hole in the divider and might not fit with longer PSUs.

So instead, I'm thinking about adding 2x 120mm fans where the hot swappable hard drives are. If I removed the plastic shroud and mounted 2 fans there on a bracket, I think it would provide enough airflow since there's a 140mm fan blowing into the bays as well. What do you guys think?

I don't know of any way to mount those fans yet, but took a gander at this and was wondering if I could just bolt this into the bottom divider. What do you guys think?
I am going to air cool my 700d and was planning on adding a ZALMAN BR123 which is pretty cool and cheap if my cards run hot. You can add up to 3 of your own fans and blow directly onto the cards from the side. If that doesn't help it then I plan on cutting a side window. Still have yet to assemble the system though in my case.
Looks like those are installed on PCI slots, so it'll be from the bottom and not the side. Do you know if they suck air out of the case or take outside air and blow on the vid cards?

I'm looking at a BS-08b too, but it takes up 2 slots :( Has anyone used one and how well does it work?
I added a fan on the very bottom of the case below the 140mm fan and above the filter on the 800d. That way it blows twice as much as air into the case from the bottom. Then I have my top fans blowing out (except for 1 of them which is a rad fan). THEN i have a 140mm fan mounted where the Optical drives are, blowing towards the output fan on the back of the case by the IO shield. It works great as far as airflow goes. This is not mentioning the fan blowing into the 6 hard drives I have. all in all, counting the GPU stock fan I have 16 fans in the case, which believe it or not isn't overdoing it at all.
I have attached a picture, THE PICTURE IS OLDER AS I HAVE NOT HAD A CHANCE TO GET A PICTURE OF MY NEW SET UP. Each arrow indicates a fan, green being intake, red being outtake.

This is what I added to my 800D for front air intake:

It takes up the lower three 5.25" drive bays. It fits in great and the aluminum happens to be an excellent match with the front of the 800D.

Inside it I have a 120mm Noiseblocker ultra-silent fan attached to a fan speed control that fits into one of my PCI slots:

The goals with my case were airflow and silence, and between the 800D case fans and my Noctua HSF, its pretty damn quiet while keeping my components nice and cool.
Another fan can be added in the middle divider, you PSU will not block it. The fan is mounted higher than the PSU. I thought of everything you all said. But at the end of the day, only water cooling will solve the GPU cooling issues of this case. I have the rear and rear-top fan as intake. The middle-top and front-top fan as exhaust and the middle 140 as intake. It does an excellent job around the CPU and motherboard area. I'st good for the video cards but it could be better.
I added a fan on the very bottom of the case below the 140mm fan and above the filter on the 800d. That way it blows twice as much as air into the case from the bottom. Then I have my top fans blowing out (except for 1 of them which is a rad fan). THEN i have a 140mm fan mounted where the Optical drives are, blowing towards the output fan on the back of the case by the IO shield. It works great as far as airflow goes. This is not mentioning the fan blowing into the 6 hard drives I have. all in all, counting the GPU stock fan I have 16 fans in the case, which believe it or not isn't overdoing it at all.
I have attached a picture, THE PICTURE IS OLDER AS I HAVE NOT HAD A CHANCE TO GET A PICTURE OF MY NEW SET UP. Each arrow indicates a fan, green being intake, red being outtake.]

Peanut, why have the middle fan as intake? Why not the back fan? Also, how did you mount the 120mm fan in the 5.25 bay? Can you post a newer picture that shows all the fans?

Hmm... thought about those too, but then 3x bays are pretty much wasted, and the 800D only has 5 to begin with. If I were to do that I would get something like this, so I can at least put the space to use.

Another fan can be added in the middle divider, you PSU will not block it. The fan is mounted higher than the PSU. I thought of everything you all said. But at the end of the day, only water cooling will solve the GPU cooling issues of this case. I have the rear and rear-top fan as intake. The middle-top and front-top fan as exhaust and the middle 140 as intake. It does an excellent job around the CPU and motherboard area. I'st good for the video cards but it could be better.

Yea, I've talked to Redbeard about fan configuration in the 800D, and TBH I was going to get the FT02 since I don't plan on water cooling at all, but then TD had to put this on sale for $200 :D Oh well, might get an FT02 anyways after they start shipping them with the new AP fans.

When you say add another fan to the middle divider, are you talking about underneath or above the divider? Also, I'd have to poke tiny holes (to match the other fan grill) in it, and I have no idea how to do that and frankly I would like to avoid any cutting if possible :(

Oh, another question, I'm guessing all of you guys have some sort of fan controller for all those fans? Did you guys have to buy extension cables for everything to reach? I only added 4x fans to my 800D, three top and one for the lower HDD bay, and it's a mess behind the mobo tray. I know you can't see any of it, but most of that is from the gabajillion case fan wires, I don't know if you guys use any y-splitters or whatnot to reduce the clutter?
Here's my setup in an 800D:

I got the new eVGA high airflow brackets last week and my GPUs stablize at about 90C after an hour of Furmark. All I've done is add the three exhaust fans at the top. Not sure what your issue is but I'm very happy with the thermals I'm getting, not bad at all I think.
When you say add another fan to the middle divider, are you talking about underneath or above the divider? Also, I'd have to poke tiny holes (to match the other fan grill) in it, and I have no idea how to do that and frankly I would like to avoid any cutting if possible :(

Oh, another question, I'm guessing all of you guys have some sort of fan controller for all those fans? Did you guys have to buy extension cables for everything to reach? I only added 4x fans to my 800D, three top and one for the lower HDD bay, and it's a mess behind the mobo tray. I know you can't see any of it, but most of that is from the gabajillion case fan wires, I don't know if you guys use any y-splitters or whatnot to reduce the clutter?

Underneath the divider. I still don't recommend cutting your case unless you plan to keep it. Any type of mod will keep you from selling your PC case or taking a big hit on it. No fan controller. I have all of my fans plugged into the motherboard, but I do also have 4 way 3-pin cable splitters. You're right about all of the wires and the 800D panels are weak. I just installed my Red set of NZXT cables to there's even more of a mess back there. Going to use zip ties with the adhesive backing to keep the cables from pushing out the panel.
Hmm... thought about those too, but then 3x bays are pretty much wasted, and the 800D only has 5 to begin with. If I were to do that I would get something like this, so I can at least put the space to use.

What else do you plan on putting in the optical drive bays? I only use one of them, and honestly the only thing iI really use it for is to install Windows and the very very occasional Blu Ray (I'd rather watch them in my living room).

As for the item you linked, that can work too but I again question how useful it is. The 800D already has more than enough hard drive bays, and if you were to fill that unit up with drives then it sort of defeats the purpose of giving a straight line of airflow from the front of the case to the video cards. If you need more hard drive bays, great, but otherwise I don't see the point, especially since the goal here is increasing airflow to the GPUs.
Here's my setup in an 800D:

I got the new eVGA high airflow brackets last week and my GPUs stablize at about 90C after an hour of Furmark. All I've done is add the three exhaust fans at the top. Not sure what your issue is but I'm very happy with the thermals I'm getting, not bad at all I think.

Well, my thermals are okay if I let my 5870 ramp up to high fan speeds, but I wanted to avoid that since it's really loud. And also just looking at the layout of the case it seems like the GPU area would be the most starved for air.

Underneath the divider. I still don't recommend cutting your case unless you plan to keep it. Any type of mod will keep you from selling your PC case or taking a big hit on it. No fan controller. I have all of my fans plugged into the motherboard, but I do also have 4 way 3-pin cable splitters. You're right about all of the wires and the 800D panels are weak. I just installed my Red set of NZXT cables to there's even more of a mess back there. Going to use zip ties with the adhesive backing to keep the cables from pushing out the panel.

Yea I have the same problem, the panel's bulged a little bit but I was lazy on my last install since the mobo I am using is just a temporary one and I'm about to swap it out as soon as my UD5 gets shipped. Definitely going to pick up some 4-way cable splitters and do a cleaner install this time around.

What else do you plan on putting in the optical drive bays? I only use one of them, and honestly the only thing iI really use it for is to install Windows and the very very occasional Blu Ray (I'd rather watch them in my living room).

As for the item you linked, that can work too but I again question how useful it is. The 800D already has more than enough hard drive bays, and if you were to fill that unit up with drives then it sort of defeats the purpose of giving a straight line of airflow from the front of the case to the video cards. If you need more hard drive bays, great, but otherwise I don't see the point, especially since the goal here is increasing airflow to the GPUs.

Well there's the DVD, then Bluray drive (although if I get a writable one I could get rid of the DVD, but then I wouldn't be able to burn disc to disc), then card reader, then fan controller (1 or 2 bays), and I wanted to mount a fan there too, which is another 3 bays. I linked the 3 bay hard drive cage b/c it had a fan in the back already, so it could be used as a dual purpose. Seems wasteful to me to just put a fan in there and not be able to use 3 of the 5.25 bays.
Well there's the DVD, then Bluray drive (although if I get a writable one I could get rid of the DVD, but then I wouldn't be able to burn disc to disc), then card reader, then fan controller (1 or 2 bays), and I wanted to mount a fan there too, which is another 3 bays. I linked the 3 bay hard drive cage b/c it had a fan in the back already, so it could be used as a dual purpose. Seems wasteful to me to just put a fan in there and not be able to use 3 of the 5.25 bays.

Fair enough. I aced using multiple optical drives years ago. I got around the fan controller issue by replacing the Zalman controller I had with one that fits in a PCI slot. I rarely ever made adjustments once they were set anyway, and I didn't like the way it looked. That still leaves you with room for a card reader, or you can just use an external one if you want a second optical drive.

The HD cage is a good option, don't get me wrong, but if your main objective is to cool the GPU and you already have seven hard drive bays in the 800D, I really don't see a point unless you need more hard drives and are willing to affect how much airflow the GPU gets. That's all.

Yea, I see what you're talking about. Which PCI slot fan controller did you use? I'm still debating on whether I should take up 2x bays with an Aerocool touch 2000. Damn thing just looks so cool :p
Yea, I see what you're talking about. Which PCI slot fan controller did you use? I'm still debating on whether I should take up 2x bays with an Aerocool touch 2000. Damn thing just looks so cool :p

With my old Lian Li case I used a Zalman fan controller to control several 120mm fans:

With my 800D I am only controlling one fan, the one that I installed for frontal intake. The 140mm fans in the 800D are already extremely quiet, ditto the fans that came with my Noctua heatsink (I use the included cables to run them a little slower than default, which performs about as well as if it was running full speed). That leaves my GPU fan, which I control via the EVGA software utility (I crank it up for Starcraft 2, for some reason that game and Dawn Of War 2 bake the GPU far worse than any other FPS I play).

This is what I have take care of the one frontal intake, always running on medium:

There are other PCI fan speed controllers like this one:

Again, it comes down to personal preference. In my case I wanted to reduce clutter at the front of my case, especially given that I didn't need to control a ton of fans anymore like I did with my old Lian Li. If you need to control more fans, you may need to install more of those controllers. If you need to control more fans more often, you will want a bay controller.

That said, I think it is unnecessary with the 800D, given the fact that it already runs so quietly. It barely registers over my 27" iMac, and that computer is pretty much silent. It is a testament to how well Corsair and Noctua have done with their products. If I could get my GPU to be as silent then I'd be golden.
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That said, I think it is unnecessary with the 800D, given the fact that it already runs so quietly. It barely registers over my 27" iMac, and that computer is pretty much silent. It is a testament to how well Corsair and Noctua have done with their products. If I could get my GPU to be as silent then I'd be golden.

Yea I don't have a problem with the case itself, the only reason I wanted to add fans is to cool the GPU so the GPU fan wouldn't have to spin up as much.

Oh, and the second link you gave me was to an Apple keyboard
Dammit, thanks for the heads up, I edited that prior post and put up the correct link.

As for not needing the GPU fan to spin up so much, there is only so much you can do with ventilation. Additional airflow will help, absolutely, and the last thing you want is for your components to be sitting inside an unventilated hotbox. That said, even if you kept your mobo laying flat on a desk without a case, there is still a point at which your GPU fan will need to spin up.

Additional ventilation is always a good thing, just don't expect much more than a few degrees without better cooling on the GPU itself. :) I've considered water cooling or a much larger aftermarket heatsink in the past, but I cannot completely justify it based on the fact that when I do crank the GPU fans up, I'm usually wearing headphones so the noise doesn't really bother me anyway. When its idle then I cannot hear it over the rest of my case fans.
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What GPUs do you have? Even my 480s don't run that hard in this case, sounds like you want to watercool.
Just a 5870, but I tend to leave it on at night and it's a bit too loud for me to sleep. Also it idles at 59C, which as I understand it is above the norm.

Thought about water cooling also, but in the end it's just not worth it to me, in terms of cost and mostly maintenance. But maybe I'll pick up a self contained GPU cooler akin to the H50 for the CPU, like CoolIT's Omni ALC.
Peanut, why have the middle fan as intake? Why not the back fan? Also, how did you mount the 120mm fan in the 5.25 bay? Can you post a newer picture that shows all the fans?

Hmm... thought about those too, but then 3x bays are pretty much wasted, and the 800D only has 5 to begin with. If I were to do that I would get something like this, so I can at least put the space to use.

Yea, I've talked to Redbeard about fan configuration in the 800D, and TBH I was going to get the FT02 since I don't plan on water cooling at all, but then TD had to put this on sale for $200 :D Oh well, might get an FT02 anyways after they start shipping them with the new AP fans.

When you say add another fan to the middle divider, are you talking about underneath or above the divider? Also, I'd have to poke tiny holes (to match the other fan grill) in it, and I have no idea how to do that and frankly I would like to avoid any cutting if possible :(

Oh, another question, I'm guessing all of you guys have some sort of fan controller for all those fans? Did you guys have to buy extension cables for everything to reach? I only added 4x fans to my 800D, three top and one for the lower HDD bay, and it's a mess behind the mobo tray. I know you can't see any of it, but most of that is from the gabajillion case fan wires, I don't know if you guys use any y-splitters or whatnot to reduce the clutter?

I wanted that fan pushing air towards the GPUs.