Add new Windows key combos in Vista 64-bit?

Jan 13, 2006
WinKey is a program I used in XP:

WinKey is one of the best utilities I've ever found for enhancing the Windows key's usefulness. It allows you to open just about any program or folder with a combination of the Windows key and whatever. For example, I've got it set to open Convert with Win+C. 3C is Win+3. My folder with all my files is Win+Shift+L.

It's a small program, but it is infinitely useful to me.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Vista 64-bit. :( I tried enabling compatibility mode.

1) Is there anything else I can try? I really like this program.
2) If not, does anyone know of anything similar that I can replace it with?

Thanks! :)
That link is dead, JFYI... can't understand why it wouldn't work in Vista 64 but then again some mysteries just aren't meant to be solved, I guess. :)
For a user program like that, the best bet is to find an alternative (I use HoeKey) or wait until the group released a version for what you are looking for.
Windows key + 1

Would launch the first item in your quick launch menu. change the number as per the item you wish to launch.
THANK YOU! HoeKey is one I'd seen before but I couldn't remember the name of it. :) WinKey is like it, except it has a UI, instead of editing the text file. But still, it's better than nothing. Thanks again!