Add another gtx 460 or get a new card?


Feb 10, 2007
Upgrading to EVGA Z68 SLI AMD 2500k up from a Q9550 pc. So I'm looking for the best cost efficient way for video performance.

I'll be gaming @ 1920x1200 no lower. I love max settings.

I'll be getting RAGE, skyrim, BF3 and more in the next few months.

Should I SLI my current GTX460 768mb card with another? Or just get a bigger, more powerful single card solution and keep the GTX460 for physics?

Really the next thing up or next to GTX 460 sli is a GTX 570, so I would just add another 460 seeing as you should be able to find them for around $100. The multi-gpu scaling of Fermi is great, over 95% or more in most applications.

You may be limited in instances where a program/game calles upon huge memory resources, but I think for most games you should be fine missing that 256MB of memory considering the amount of GPU horsepower you have alone.

Only problem is, would you like to buy something like a GTX 570 or 6950/70 to SLI/X-Fire later.
Yea that was one of my main concerns was Vram. Not sure what Skyrim will require, But assuming its mostly a "DX9" game... I should be okay, hopefully. *crosses fingers*
I'm in the same boat. Need to upgrade my 460. Trying to wait for next gen from nvidia...
Skyrim req's are pretty low for a modern game. As long as you are only going single screen you should not have any problems.
My only thing keeping me from giving the SLi the nod is the vram. Like you say it is limiting. However I think these games should run fine at 1920x1200 or 1080. The only thing I'll add is if you want to mod these games with high res texture packs it's probably not gonna happen. ;)

If your not worried about maxing these games and adding all the glory of a high res texture pack and mods to skyrim just get the second GTX 460 card and enjoy.
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Think another 460 sli will run fine at that res, had 1 for a 2560x1600 and it did ok....but for another 100 its an extremely cost effective upgrade