Acessing my E: drive (storage hard drive) crashes explorer. please help


Dec 26, 2005
Hello, I have a frustrating problem. Everytime I try to explore my E drive in windows explorer, it crashes. the error is:

AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName:
ModVer: Offset: 0003d928

I can browse it fine with other programs such as nero. a problem I've had with this drive before is a corrupted boot sector. The drive is a Maxtor diamondmax 10 model: 6L250RO, 250 GB. I'd appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks.
Try changing the view type to 'list' (I imagine it's on details or thumbnails.) It sounds like you have a bad avi file which makes explorer crash when it tries to get the resolution of create a thumbnail.

I don't know if the avi is corrupted or just bad (nonstandard) and it could be in a subfolder if you have the display set to thumbnails, so good luck finding it. :)
well, that was pretty easy, thanks. The folder view was on thumbnails, i changed it to details, and voila, no more crashing.
I had this problem alot awhile ago and that was because of a problem with windows trying to render a movie file without the proper codec.