Accelero S1 revision 2, 8800GT


Can't Read the OP
May 24, 2006
SO newegg has the Accelero S1, Revision 2 in stock, and slightly on sale ($6 off when I ordered yesterday). I posted earlier this week looking for theS1, but no one had them, because the rev2 was incomming.
As soon as it comes in I will post pictures and installation procesees for everyoneś enjoyment.

In the meantime does anyone have any good suggestions for temperature recording on the stock cooler so I can compare? I know ntune can mmmmmmmmonitor temps, but is there a piece of software that allows you to RECORD temperatres in, say, 10 or 20 second increments?
Keep in mind, specifically GPU. Speedfan does not work in this case.
Rivatuner offers logging I think, I just use ATITool because I don't like RivaTuner much. :p
Really if you use something like ATItool's error checking, your GPU will be pushed to 100% load and the temp would be constant. I could see your interest of logging like a night of gaming to know what your temp is doing, but I'm confused why you would want 10-20 seconds of logging. Not trying to bash, just trying to understand.

Edit: I posted this, then reread what you wrote and relized you said 10-20 seconds between logging points, not 10-20 seconds long logs.
I figured it out. Nvidia monitor CAN do logging, and you can even change the interval between logs as well as the file size. I think what I will do is use ATiTool to push the gpu, and Nvidia monitor to log the temps.


EDIT: Well, I am running Vista 64-bit. ATi Tool doesn't work correctly...
Any ideas?

Edit2: Well it looks like the 'scan for artifiacts capability works even if none of the other options do. I'm going to run it for 10 minutes. 5 with scanning on, and 5 with it off.
That's your CPU core and the ambient temperature of your case, not the graphics card...

No it's not, else I wouldn't have made that statement.
Motherboard ambient temp lists as "system", CPU lists as "Core 0", "Core 1" and some inexplicable "CPU" listing. My GPU Temps show as "Core" and "Ambient" and match the temperatures listed in ATI Tool.

No it's not, else I wouldn't have made that statement.
Motherboard ambient temp lists as "system", CPU lists as "Core 0", "Core 1" and some inexplicable "CPU" listing. My GPU Temps show as "Core" and "Ambient" and match the temperatures listed in ATI Tool.
Ah. Roger, but still I don't have 'core', Just Core 1-4.
No ambient, either
Maybe it's a difference in motherboard/graphics card design, although as far as I am aware, the 8800GTs are all reference. Mine is Palit for what it's worth.
Maybe it's a difference in motherboard/graphics card design, although as far as I am aware, the 8800GTs are all reference. Mine is Palit for what it's worth.
Well, mine is BFG... Interesting
Here's a screenshot of my speedfan:

Anyway, Nvidia monitor is going to work out better anyway, as it can output its readings into a text file that I can put into excel and make a graph.
Please note that the temps recorded from speedfan for my CPU are ~10 degrees lower than reality.

Also, hre is a screenshot of the temperatures reported by nvidia monitor for ~5.5 minutes of full load. It takes nearly TEN minutes to get back to the idle temp!