Abit IP35- Pro Problems?


May 12, 2008
Hey all, just wanted to see if anyone has had a similar problem with the ABIT IP35- PRO. Sorry just going to copy and paste from the Abit forums as I am really short on time.


So I've been slowly scraping togeather some cash over the last few months to build a new system, and now that I finally have everything I can't get it to work. I'll start out with my system specs.

Zalman ZM750-HP 750W
ABIT IP35 Pro v 1.1
Mushkin 4GB DDR2 1066
Zalman CNPS9700
GeForce 9800 GX2 KO

That should be everything that matters...
Anyway, Every time I power on my board I get the post code 1.0 , then if I press the power button on the board it will start to boot... then start beeping at post code 25 or 26 ... then it flashes at least 10 more post codes, and finally comes to rest at 7F. I know what the manual says about that post code, but it honestly doesn't make any sense... and Nothing ever show up my monitor, so does this mean a problem with my graphics card? Or is there something else.. I really shouldn't have to press the power button on the board every time I want to boot, so I think there is something else... I have tried the time honored method of taking the board out of the case and adding one part at a time, but then I only post what I am missing.. eg. ram or graphics card... So very frustrating, and I apologize that this is not very well organized, I am rushing as I have a meeting to get ready for and am hoping someone can help me. Hopefully someone has had this problem before, or has seen something on this forum that I missed in my search.

Thanks in Advance!

& if you press F1 when it comes to 7F what happens?

whilst troubleshooting I suggest that you remove some of that RAM though.
I remember having a similar situation the first time I tryed to fire up the board, and the problem was that the video card wasn't seated all the way in. I know you've put everything out and back again but make really sure that the video card is set all the way in place.
Thanks for the tips... I will give them a try when I get home. I also am borrowing a friends old 7900gt, to see if there is a compatability issue with the 9800GX2. It deffinately could be that I didn't seat the graphics card all the way.. that thing is mammoth sized, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Thanks again!
Well, it was a very late night.. but I got everything working! I honestly still don't know what the problem was. However, I suspect it was probably just the graphics card not being seated correctly... The darn thing is so wide it hangs over the FP-1394-1 and -2 slots, and I think the cables were preventing me from seating the card all the way. I am so ashamed.

Thanks again all!