ABIT AN8 32X over DFI Ultra-D?


Nov 23, 2004
Anyone have any experience with this board. I'm considering replacing my dfi ultra-d with this due to the sli and the passive cooling solution. SHould it be able to overclock my opteron 165 similiar to the dfi?
i jsut swithched for a dfi lanparty ut nf4-sli expert to an8 32x, it clocks just as well as my expert and is much easier to setup and tweak and as is fast or faster.than my dfi.In short a much more forgiving board, and in my opion , yes its a worthwhile upgrade, especially if your running sli
how high were you able to take the htt bus speed while keeping stability?
RobDMB said:
how high were you able to take the htt bus speed while keeping stability?

Eclipse posted a bench of HTT at low and high levels, 300 to 1300mhz is like a hair apart.
YARDofSTUF said:
Eclipse posted a bench of HTT at low and high levels, 300 to 1300mhz is like a hair apart.

Cpu's with smaller multies depend on high htt to to reach overclocking speeds...
dont sell just mod the ultra-d to run SLI.... its really easy like unlocking an athlon XP

save lots of money $$$$ :D

really google sli mod dfi ultra-d

buy the SLI bridge for $10 from DFI

and save lots of cash and buy you new video card to run SLI