A8N32-SLI Deluxe Temp ?

Super KW

Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2006
I run Asus PC Probe 2 and my mobo temp is 44c with games hit 48c so is that normal ?

i have thermaltake case with 7 fans so i think thats more than enough
I am curious how people will respond to your question. I have the A8N32 with all stock cooling, a 4800+, a seasonic ps and Tsunami dream tower case. My mobo is usually around 42 deg and goes to 43/44 under load, and my CPU idles at 47/48deg and goes to 52/54 deg under load. What is your CPU temp? The computer runs great an never crashes. I hope mine are within limits - they are below the factory recommended max, but everyone else's seems to run so cool. Any thoughts?
I have the same board. My MB temp runs at 37c idle and cpu temp idle is around 42-45c depending on room temp. I'm waiting on my case and water cooling system right now so it is sitting out. Only thing cooling it is cpu fan and ceiling fan.
Stock HS/FAN AMD X2 4200+ with artic silver thermal paste
properly ventilated, 1 input 80mm fan, and PS with dual 92mm fans as ouput
(pretty much standard, and not overdone ) Full tower case.

with cool and quite on, low 1004Mhz
And Cpu usage at zero to 20% (no gamming going on)
CPU: 30 deg C
MB: 35 deg C

Under Load (games/cpu stress apps)
cool and quite kicks into high 2200mhz.
in the high 40's to low 50's deg C

Keep in mind im from canada, and its winter.
Large home, Room temp ~22-23 deg C.

hope that helps.
I have the same results as OP. Temp seems high to me. I wonder if BIOS is reporting out temp accurately. Is there a way to corroborate BIOS temp?
I'm running my 3700+ at 2.750(11x250) and I get 33-34C at idle and 47C full load(Prime95 and OCCT running together) the MB temp is around 35C or so at idle. I'm using the AMD factory fan on the cpu.

I have an old Antec SX840 case with only 2 80mm fans at the rear currently. My apt is usually not above 70F, and I usually have a window open in my computer room that brings in cool air.
There is a lot in these forums about this subject, and also the Asus forums as well that you might want to search.

I get 43C mobo/43C CPU idel, 52C mobo/48C CPU after an hour of F.E.A.R.

What probably alarms people is the Asus probe, which by default goes off at 45C for the mobo, but from what I've read in the Asus forums is that the mobo is designed to go up to 74C, so the alarm is set too low I would think.

Also, dual core machines seem to report higher mobo temps for whatever reason.
zman said:
I am curious how people will respond to your question. I have the A8N32 with all stock cooling, a 4800+, a seasonic ps and Tsunami dream tower case. My mobo is usually around 42 deg and goes to 43/44 under load, and my CPU idles at 47/48deg and goes to 52/54 deg under load. What is your CPU temp? The computer runs great an never crashes. I hope mine are within limits - they are below the factory recommended max, but everyone else's seems to run so cool. Any thoughts?

now i add another 7800 gtx sli setup and my temp is (CPU 44-49 load-MB 49-59 load)
i may change my cpu fan with zalman and hop get a beter result .
I originally was concerned about my CPU temps and I read through all your posts and solved some of my worries. I had never really understood "cool and quiet". I am not overclocking (it may be a problem if you are?). So I installed "cool'n'quiet", enabled it in my bios, and enabled it in my power management settings (windows control panel > power management > minimal power management).

Now my MB idles a little warmer (44-45deg) but my CPU is much cooler (43-44deg. good considering what it was). Also my case and CPU fans are much quieter. Under load the CPU goes up to 52 and the MB stays around 44 which is OK. I do a lot of rendering and computer animation and the computer has run for days with both cores at 100% and no crashes.

If you are not overclocking, I would highly recommend "cool'n'quiet" as it is quieter, cooler and has no effect on performance that I can perceive.

Now I am not sure if I will update tp latest bios to see if this also helps a bit with temps or temp monitoring. I am using 1009 now.
SLI is the problem in most of the overheating cases I have seen. I added another fan inside of the case to move the air away from the south bridge, and my MB temps lowered over 10C.