a8n-sli premium: when? really?


Mar 8, 2005
Ok, it sounds like I've got a san diego 4000+ arriving by fedex middle of next week. I've got all of the other parts to build a pretty insane system... except the motherboard. I had been thinking that the a8n-sli premium would appear before my CPU, but apparently not.

Is there any real info on when that board will appear? Google and forum searches turn up lots of "real soon", and of course there are two places findable on Froogle that are taking pre-orders... but I'm looking for something more concrete.


wow almost a month later and still no A8N-SLI Premium. When is this coming out???
I have no idea, it wasn't even listed on Asus's website as of the last couple days that I could find.

I'd really like to see this board too. It should improve on everything the Deluxe model was and then some. I'd personally like to see it beat out the DFI and MSI solutions for everything. It has great potential, but my guess is they are still working on the final version of the board or they are ramping up production.