A7N8X Deluxe -> NF7-S Swap?


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2001
My A7N8X Deluxe just borked on me. I use firewire and a RAID 0 SATA Array as well as two optical drives, and two IDE hard drives.

My question is, am I going to be able to plug and play the RAID array as well as the OS? I will eventually do a reinstall, but I need to get my system up and running to backup my data.

Both the ASUS board and the NF7-S have similar features, and use the same IDE and SATA controllers, so it should be possible. Anyone confirm this? I could get a A7N8X-E Deluxe, but I'd really like to go ABIT.

Or would the AN7 be a better solution?

Please RSVP as I'm going shopping tomorrow.
When I moved my main rig from my A7N8X to my NF7-S, I moved the hard drive over. This was a while ago though. I think I went into device manager and uninstalled about everything that it would allow me to uninstall system-wise and then had the OS redetect everything on the new rig. I've also done that with old i815 chipset boards back in the day. You always end up with some flaky problem though, so the full reinstall is the still the only way. Just make sure you have backups before you toy with that shortcut though! :)
The problem is my ASUS A7N8X is totally dead. I won't be able to back up anything at this point. I've had success with moving my IDE RAID setup from an ABIT KT7A-RAID (KT133A) EPoX 9K9A2+ (KT400). I hope that it will work, because I don't really want to go with an ASUS again.
If you've got another drive, you could throw that one in as a slave.
You might have some better luck as both motherboards use the same chipsets and controllers, But it's always a risk, and you should be ready for a fail...
it should work... just go to the rebuild option... booting to windows might be a different story though. just install it to a 3rd drive or something... then back up and format..
Did just this swap about a year ago it worked fine. I reinstalled after I got my data though. Because I didn't trust MS to remain stable and any glitch I might have I'd blame the install in the back of my mind.
I did the same and it worked out great ... like stated above i'd format right after getting your data just to be safe. I'd also stay away from the AN7, it has its quirks that are, for the most part, more annoying then anything. Definatly not as rock solid as my NF7-S is. Recently it has given me trouble with the latest nforce drivers. Maybe others have had better luck then me but uGuru isn't worth the added annoyances in my opinion.

Good Luck!!!!