A Visit to id Software circa 1993!

^ Lots of developers/engineers tend to work long hours because they love what they're doing. Its not uncommon to meet one whos also quite dirty.
haha great! "eat your vegetables" was pretty funny.:D wow watching them play doom was excellent, brings back alot of memories.
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Great find. I'll never forget playing Doom for the first time and the many hours spent making custom maps (I even got a few published on PC Gamer UK coverdiscs)

How things have moved on in 16 years, look at those horrible CRTs and bad hairstyles!:eek:
I think a build of doom similar to that was leaked on BBSes because I remember playing a 'doom beta' that had no sounds, and the BFG was way different.
Great find, I enjoyed watching that video. I'd have loved working of id Software(or Valve for that matter.)
Brings back good times of trying to beat the levels without getting smoked by the big bosses.
How things have moved on in 16 years, look at those horrible CRTs and bad hairstyles!:eek:

Hey...long hair is awesome. Thrash metal 4 life!

Anyway...thanks OP for posting the video. I think I was 10 or 11 when I first played the doom demo. Can't wait for doom 4.
I never realize it before, but Doom might be the first to do the exploding barrels thing that almost every FPS today have. Man...it was such a revolutionary game.
I think a build of doom similar to that was leaked on BBSes because I remember playing a 'doom beta' that had no sounds, and the BFG was way different.

There were tons of 'leaked' alphas and betas back in the day...

I remember getting hold of one alpha version that was basically just a tech demo-ish map where you walked around - no weapons, monsters, or even a HUD. I just remember thinking:

1. Holy wow this is cool! God damned this thing is going to need a killer PC (when I played it on my 386SX/25

2. Holy wow this is cool! And it's so smooth it's making me sick... fucking awesome! (when I played it on my friend's 486DX2/66.

I can't believe I was in high school back then... it doesn't seem so long ago to me but goddamned some of you are making me feel like an old fart now.

I love technology, I love the internet, but sometimes I wish we could have stayed a little longer in the days of the BBS and the wonders of slow dial up ANSI artwork (which I was a master at, BTW). :)
I love how the guy is like OMG AWESOME GRAPHICS when they show Doom to him. :D Id software has definitely made an impact on my life. My friends grew up with Super Mario and Donkey Kong Country. I grew up with Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, and a whole bunch of other ID and Apogee games. I remember learning how to run the DOS command prompt when I was 3 years old. Those were the days. :cool:
I love technology, I love the internet, but sometimes I wish we could have stayed a little longer in the days of the BBS and the wonders of slow dial up ANSI artwork (which I was a master at, BTW). :)

Hah yea me too.. the bbs days were tight.. everything was local, you had to get credits to be able to download stuff, kids these days have it so easy they can get everything they want for free.. i had to spend hours finding stuff to upload so i had enough credits to download the latest games :) but we had many good years
Doom was so awsome. I remember playing it with my cousin for hours. Getting yelled at for not eating dinner.