A thought on wireless access to all..


Oct 13, 2004
I was just thinking.. and instead of having like 1 company chosen by the city roll out a huge wireless network, why not have an incentive for people with broadband to share their connection? Provide some piece of software/firewall/something that will 1) keep the "outside" network seperate from the internal network.. and 2) have it "sniff" the outside traffic and inject ad's into what people are viewing. I'm sure people wouldn't have a problem sharing their wireless network if they got a couple cents for ads being viewed.. I know that would make me unlock my wireless. Eventually you'll have every place covered.

Hmm.. Maybe I should develope some software that would do that.. :eek:
I highly doubt you're going to keep your house and outside seperate, as they're all inside same network. Unless you put up a second Router for all outside traffic (Modem -> Switch -> Two Routers)

It is a good idea, but the average person won't be able to manage bandwidth usage etc., plus everyone will be under the same IP.

Good idea, not sure how it would be viable enough to be put into use though.

P.S. And many people are already getting internet from someone else lol.
Oneos said:
I highly doubt you're going to keep your house and outside seperate, as they're all inside same network. Unless you put up a second Router for all outside traffic (Modem -> Switch -> Two Routers)

It is a good idea, but the average person won't be able to manage bandwidth usage etc., plus everyone will be under the same IP.

Good idea, not sure how it would be viable enough to be put into use though.

P.S. And many people are already getting internet from someone else lol.

Heh.. thats pretty much my setup. I didn't wanna buy a AP just so I can get wireless access from the main floor of my house, and as I had an extra wireless router lying around... Modem -> router -> router (Btw.. would Modem -> switch.. even work? never tried hooking my modem directly to a switch.. ). To get it to work I just turned off DHCP on the 2nd router, had it's ip set to and set it up with the same ID as the first one..
Modem===> Switch could work..depending on your ISP. Many broadband modems rae capable of providing more than 1x public IP address (several)
YeOldeStonecat said:
Modem===> Switch could work..depending on your ISP. Many broadband modems rae capable of providing more than 1x public IP address (several)

Many are capable but few are configured to allow it.
I wasn;t suggesting you'd ge two different IPs, however it would be the only way to keep your network seperate from other people.
Malk-a-mite said:
Many are capable but few are configured to allow it.

Seen quite a bit in my area..from several ISPs //shrugs.
Bottom line..the statement that modem ==> switch yields only 1x IP..is not correct. The precentage of modems and actual setups that have multiple IPs per modem is not the issue.
Oneos said:
I wasn;t suggesting you'd ge two different IPs, however it would be the only way to keep your network seperate from other people.

VLANs..as many routers are now supporting that, esp with wireless.
YeOldeStonecat said:
VLANs..as many routers are now supporting that, esp with wireless.

Seriously? I've seen your a big fan of the newer Linksys business line, are those the ones supporting VLANs (pulls out the credit card)...