** A Picture I Took - 2010 **

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A few shots from NYC today.

Empire State Building


Empire State Building 2


View from the 102nd floor of the Empire State Building


Street near time square


Time Square


From 86th floor of the Empire State Building


Here is a link to the whole set that's just a few of them

Wow, awesome.....a bit of post processing I think you can make the shots even more dramatic.

Thanks! I'm going to have a huge backlog of PP to do! although I must admit, I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination. Finished getting everything organized and here are a few more of my favorites.




That depends on the sort of pictures you're taking, but generally speaking it will. The exceptions would be low light, wide angle and really large prints. I say wide angle because most of the really nice wide angle lenses like the 16-35 f/2.8L simply aren't wide enough on a cropped sensor.

However, I only recommend upgrading once you feel that your gear is the sole cause of missed or sub-par photos, not because you're unhappy with your shots and you're hoping a better camera will fix them. I shot with a XTi for 4 years before I felt certain I needed an upgrade, and when I did I knew exactly why I was upgrading and what features would help improve my photography.
Very nicely put, thanks! Here's another one I snapped. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing with little regard for settings, but i liked how it turned out.

Here's a rack we inherited at my employer's new office.

We ripped it all out and replaced it with category 6 cabling for voice and data. Somehow I managed to not have a photograph of the "after" on my workstation.

Taken with a Panasonic Lumix LX-3 with no post-processing or care for photographic quality.
Wow – tons of great shots here over the weekend!

Auric and VSBoxerBoy – I love the landscapes!

One of the pictures I took while in Edinburgh, Scotland this past weekend. More to come :)

Another one from Edinburgh I thought turned out good. From the Castle looking north towards New Town
nice shots everyone... Just got my grip for my 20D on Monday and haven't had a chance to play with it much. Of course this comes THE DAY after we return from San Francisco for a short weekend getaway. I will post images when I get home.

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^^ Awesome :) I like the outdoor ones. The studio one needs the exposure brightened up a little, imo.

Spring is finally starting in GA, even though it's still pretty cold... lots of fruit trees covered in white flowers. I'll have to get out on Saturday and get some shots of those.
Just one I did some editing on, I'm still getting my bearings straight, and the picture wasn't too great to start off with, but I kinda like the way it came out:

MadFive, I like the one on the stool, the expression is priceless :p
I love the shallow DoF too, what lens were you using?

The studio one is under-exposed by at least a full stop, maybe more if you want to go high-key. I'd warm up the WB as well.
MadFive, I like the one on the stool, the expression is priceless :p
I love the shallow DoF too, what lens were you using?

The studio one is under-exposed by at least a full stop, maybe more if you want to go high-key. I'd warm up the WB as well.

Thanks! ;) I try my best. For these shots I didn't have a camera lens available, so I just found a peice of a broken bottle laying on the ground, held it up in front of the camera, and decided I liked the results! They turned out pretty good if I say so myself.

Gotta love 4/1.
lol, sorry. I meant Ben!
That's what I get for posting from my blackberry... Flickr is blocked at work so I can't see peoples' pics unless I browse on my phone. :(
Where kind of bottle was it?!? Love that look. I'm going to break some bottles tonight and see if I can duplicate it.
lol, sorry. I meant Ben!
That's what I get for posting from my blackberry... Flickr is blocked at work so I can't see peoples' pics unless I browse on my phone. :(

The nifty 50 @ 1.4 I normally always have that on my cam at all times unless I need something wide. Like my butt. And yes, I normally shoot weddings with the 50 on :D
And while not a setup shot, this one was snapped as a NHP Trooper was running to assist and the driver was climbing out after the accident.

And while not a setup shot, this one was snapped as a NHP Trooper was running to assist and the driver was climbing out after the accident.


You have to look at this several times to get it all. Impressive!
And while not a setup shot, this one was snapped as a NHP Trooper was running to assist and the driver was climbing out after the accident.
*img removed for size*

Awesome capture! You should try cropping it to remove your own rear-view mirror though.
I had to do some work for the LIRR here... i was supposed to meet a telecom guy but they didnt tell us what time they'd be there so they showed up and left. I got to job site and was going home when I decided to stop by the Verazzano Brdige in Brooklyn and take some pics. Good thing I did, the telecom guy called me said he was on his way back:

Wow - sweet car shots Vic!

That post-blurring effect is so much fun!
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