A new HTPC Possibility


[H]F Junkie
Apr 3, 2000
for us "alternative" platformers

# Apple introduces Mac mini. New member of Mac family Slot-load Combo optical drive. Play DVDs, burn CDs. Queit. Tiny, FireWire, ethernet, USB 2.o, both DVI/VGA output. Very tine. Height is half the size of an iPod mini. BYODKM. Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, Mouse. Firs tone is $499: 1.25GHz 256MB/40GB More memory and larger hard drive for $599. Will ship on January 22. Ships in a box smaller than the regular iPod box. [10:36 PT]

whoa....i want one

though i do question the 32mb of video memory and 256 on ram, sounds a little light maybe?
elguapo said:
whoa....i want one

though i do question the 32mb of video memory and 256 on ram, sounds a little light maybe?

memory is upgradeable, the video would probably good enough to handle SD/DVDs nicely (my g4 733 with shitty GF2 MX can do it fine)
I would love to use one for a client HTPC box. :) Only problem I see is that it doesn't have SPDIF out.
CrimandEvil said:
I would love to use one for a client HTPC box. :) Only problem I see is that it doesn't have SPDIF out.

You could get something like a sonica theatre or other USB SPDIF adapter.

of course, then if you want to have video capping you'd need a FireWire capture device.

And then you'd have all manner of dongles and devices :(
Yeah I remember their Sonica Theater, only problem is lack of a good hardware based enocders for an external TV tuner card. Probably the best thing to do is stream everything to it.
a true client server setup would have all the tuner cards in the server anyway. then run sageTV client off of that server. I am building a SDTV cleint out of an old 1ghz P3 right now. just a bmobo, MX400, and some ram. 20gb HD for the OS and software. I want to use an Asus Pundit to build an HDTV client.
I'm thinking this will be my client unit for my 61" DLP TV. Just upgrade the RAM to 512MB and add this to get optical out (DTS and AC-3) from Apple's DVD player. Then a wireless keyboard/mouse and remote control.

I'm actually planning on writing my own HTPC software as well (to browse/mount DVD images, other recordings, and integrate with Tivo Desktop 2.0 when its available for Macs).
OR take this one: http://www.cappuccinopc.com/mochae7042b.asp

15 bucks less ( ;) ), SPIDF, gigabit LAN... PLUS its fugly! man, i cannot believe how dumb PC makers are to let apple come out with 'old ideas' in a nice design and grab both headlines and market share... :)

...and boy is the new mini beautiful! kudos
the cappuccino PC's are barebones usually. that means you still have to add cpu, memory, hard drive, and optical drives. puts cost way over the apple.
My fiancee ordered one, since her shuttle is "too big now" (Who says size doesn't matter? ;) )

I'm going to have to do some "stress testing and burn-in" before she can use it though :D

I really have to see if this thing can play HD material; If it does i'm set.
k1114 said:
Sounds great, aside from the whole mac thing. No HTPC software.
MythTV's Mythfrontend runs really well on OSX, from what I've heard. Looks like a pretty nice frontend box for not a lot of money.
k1114 said:
Sounds great, aside from the whole mac thing. No HTPC software.

There is ElGato's EyeTV; I've never messed with it though.

CrimandEvil said:
I would love to use one for a client HTPC box. :) Only problem I see is that it doesn't have SPDIF out.

Apple sells a USB sound adaptor with digital out from M-Audio on their site, it's even listed as a recommened accessory for the Mini Mac. :)
KaosDG said:
There is ElGato's EyeTV; I've never messed with it though.

It's a software based tuner, too bad.

Hey Phil you got any links for that? I've heard of a project to port Myth to OS X but I havent read much on it. Help a brother out? :)
CrimandEvil said:
It's a software based tuner, too bad.

Hey Phil you got any links for that? I've heard of a project to port Myth to OS X but I havent read much on it. Help a brother out? :)

I can't even get to their website to find out details on it :/
I thought that OSX was based on a linux kernel and that you could compile any linux source to work with OSX...am I right?

sorry if i'm sounding like a noob, but i haven't biten off the sour apple for a few years...but it may all change now that those little ones are out...

cheers for the info

Technically OSX is a BSD based OS. BSD is based on unix.... etc you get the picture.
We've been discussing this on another forum, and every way you slice it you could setup an x86/IBM compatible HTPC that does more for less. I think its a cool looking system, but its uses are very limited.

Now if only there were a normal case that looked like that :p I've always loved mac cases, just not the contents.
IDversusEGO said:
I am looking at something like this for my client boxes...


at least for the wife factor. although, I am working on getting her used tot he HTPC.

The MediaMVP1000 from Hauppauge does this via ethernet (instead of wireless) for only $85.

Streams Mpeg (including mp3), jpgs, etc.. - My thinking is since the 'server' computer does all the rendering and then send the video/audio that anything I've got the codec for works.

Only thing it doesn't do is play dvd's.

I have a dual deck (vcr + progressive scan dvd player) already, and, it cost a lot less than the $165 price difference.
Phildeeze said:
MythTV's Mythfrontend runs really well on OSX, from what I've heard. Looks like a pretty nice frontend box for not a lot of money.

still requires a myth server thus an added expense. Granted you can pull a POS together to do it if you do it correctly, but still an additional requiement.
goodstuff about HD indeed, unfortunately I have DirecTV with no firewire :(
Great link CrimandEvil, but for digital audio you might also want to add this. It supports OpenAL and I think has a dolby digital encoder.
I didn't know about that one... wonder if it works with PCs too... software based DD encoding...? :confused:
On griffin's site it says " FireWave has Dolby Digital™ processors to bring Surround Sound to Macs for gaming, DVD players and iTunes". So I am assuming this has a hardware encoder. I cant seem to find much info on it though, like what are its dimensions or what port it has. This seems like it would be the perfect accessory to the mini mac too, same price as the transit and much better specs.
k1114 said:
We've been discussing this on another forum, and every way you slice it you could setup an x86/IBM compatible HTPC that does more for less. I think its a cool looking system, but its uses are very limited.

Now if only there were a normal case that looked like that :p I've always loved mac cases, just not the contents.

Could you post a Link? I'm interested in what people have to say about this.